Environment & Highways – 11th April 2019
The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 11th April and discussed ponds, heath, traffic hazards, allotments & much more.
Environment & Highways Report
Committee Meeting held on Thursday 11th April 2019 in Social Club meeting room
Committee members present | John Gili Ross, Philip Spencer, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Harry Stone, David Short |
Apologies | Laura Walkingshaw. |
In attendance – 3 members of the public
1. |
Village Ponds |
a) Hall Road Pond – the railings have been painted and the front grass verge mowed. There is a rotten fallen tree across the pond which will need removing by the handymen. | ||
b) Queen’s Road Pond. The railings are not in good condition and may need replacing. Adrian Leach will be asked to assess and replace as necessary. | JGR | |
c) Lexden Road Pond – This will need dredging and propose to leave this until next winter. The trees on the island need attention to encourage the growth of the silver birch tree. The hedging in front of the pond needs cutting down as foliage is hanging over the road and footway. Any work here will be monitored by Phil and David. The householder on the left-hand side of the pond should be kept informed. | PS & DS | |
2. |
Heath |
a) Bollards that need replacing will be done by Ivor before the school reopens. | PS | |
b) The potholes on the tarmac path will need repairing. Probably a job for the Handymen. | JGR | |
3. |
Traffic Hazard at Junction of Hall Road and Lexden Road. |
a) The owners of the High Trees will be requested again to have the trees trimmed down. They are now obscuring a traffic sign as well. | Laura | |
b) Propose that Laura writes to the bus companies to request that the school buses park further down Lexden Road away from the Hall Road junction. | Laura | |
4. |
Allotments |
New plot holders have taken on vacant plots. Some of the equipment needs attention, particularly the rotovator and grass cutting equipment. Agreed that the handymen will cut the main avenues. | JGR | |
The entrance gate area is often obstructed by parked cars. These issues will be discussed at the Allotment meeting later today | ||
5. |
Handymen Report |
The Youth Shelter (gazebo) has been coated with protected staining.
More mowing and strimming will be required and cutting back and weeding. As part of The Great British Spring clean, John has organised a day of Action in Erle Havard on 18th April any volunteers would be welcome. |
6. |
Highways Devolution |
The handymen have already been addressing problems with straightening kerb stones and road signs leaning over. | ||
7. |
Ditch along New Church Road. |
A letter has been sent to Essex Highways Engineer requesting a meeting, Councillor Anne Browne will also be invited, to discuss cause of run-off of water into gardens along New Church Road. | JGR | |
8. |
Footpath along Colchester |
The footpath along the road from the Hop House to Armoury Road is in need of repair. Need to communicate with CBC and ECC to discuss responsibility | JGR | |
9. |
Parking round School areas. |
Resident is concerned about cars leaving their engines running while waiting for school to finish. Harry will talk to the school about this. | HS | |
10. |
Lighting from the Orpen Hall |
Resident is concerned about bright lights being on late in the evenings. Suggest she contacts the Premises Sub-committee. | ||
11. |
Replacing Fallen Trees |
A resident asked about replacing fallen trees in the village. A Tree Replacement Policy has very recently been put in place by the Parish Council. | ||
Date of next meeting Thursday 9th May 2019 at 5.30pm in the Social Club meeting Room. |