Premises & Recreation – 1st April 2019

Premises & Recreation – 1st April 2019

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 1st April when, among other items, they discussed noise at Orpen Hall, MUGA, Fitness Classes, CCTV, Roofing project, Stage works, new chairs, hall user meetings, village fete & bulletin.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Committee Meeting held on 1st April 2019 in John Lampon Hall

Committee members present:

Brian Butcher, Murray Harlow, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell

Also in attendance:

Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator), 6 members of the public (5 of whom left the meeting at various times)




Jenny Church


Minutes of the last meeting on 4th March 2019 were agreed.

  BB then took comments from the floor:

  1. Local resident asked if consideration could be given in respect of noise from early Hall morning bookings at the weekend.   BB confirmed that the specific matter raised is in hand and being dealt with by the Clerk.
  2. Also, evening bookings after 11.30 pm when the parties end it is sometimes noisy – agreeing it is hard for the Hall Administrator to monitor the noise after 11.30 pm but the need to minimize noise when leaving the Hall is stipulated in the T&C that hirers sign. Residents are asked not to suffer in silence but to phone the Hall Administrator at the time.


Clerks and Administrator’s Report

3.1 MUGA – MH – no quote obtained on headed paper with amendment so it was agreed not to progress with this contractor but MH to seek others. It was agreed also to have a meeting with CS to talk about the resurfacing, finances etc to pursue this matter further. BB/CS/


3.2 Hall Administrator’s Updates

  1. 23rd May – European Election – VBC received paperwork in respect this – agreed to offer the JL Hall, if required.  VBC will fill in paperwork and return by the deadline.
  2. ((Bounce)) and Kelly HITT – being dealt with via the Clerk concerning timings of classes etc.
  3. CCTV was fixed on 1st April – transpired that the cables in the roof may have been nibbled by rodents – BB noted that Bluebells had mentioned they had been suffering with rodents in the garage and traps had been placed.  VBC to speak to Bluebells on this.
  4. VBC to obtain a quote on a new microphone system and to report back, the existing system beginning to breakdown.
3.3 Roofing Project – 9 tenders have been received.  On 4th April the tenders will be opened and an analysis of all tenders presented to Finance. BB/LW
3.4 Handyman Schedule – VBC confirmed that the colour bulbs will be changed in the Easter Holidays.  An emergency job of changing the office lock had to be carried out.  BB asked for VBC to speak to the plumber as the water pressure is low especially the outdoor tap by the garages and in the boiler room. Work on the flower beds to the front will be carried out in the next week. VBC
3.5 Stage Flooring and Comic/tragedy mask – Stage Flooring – This was agreed at the last finance meeting and will be carried out in the summer holidays.  However, also staining/painting the flooring black – OP to liaise with PC on this.  DH and MP from OP showed the first draft of a wooden plaque – the size, etc was agreed and after further discussion by the Committee it was agreed that the plaque could be placed for a year above the stage and then afterwards placed at the back of the hall on the wall where other organization have displays.  (The plaque celebrates 50 years of the Orpen Players) VBC
3.6 New Chairs – VBC advised that the process would be that a pro forma would be raised, payment – once cleared the chairs could arrive after 14 days but this can change depending on the time of year etc. It was proposed that the current chairs be put to the Clerk Forums to be sold by Laura @ £500.  It was agreed to go for charcoal colour seating and to be fabric. VBC/LW
3.7 Painting of JL Doors – received a quote from STC – VBC to go back and get clarification if painting is included, if not to obtain quote and report back at next meeting but the Committee were happy with quote at £550. VBC
3.8 2019/2020 confirmation of hire charges – a discussion was had and new prices were agreed and VBC will advise hirers and Clerk accordingly. VBC


Hall Accounts

Nothing to report as today the Accounts were being closed off for year end.


Meeting with primary Hall Users

Bluebells – A meeting will be booked for 25th April.

OP – BB and DH will seek to meet up initially and then after their next production a meeting with Orpen Players representatives, BB and VBC will be arranged.



PC Action Plan Review

No Change


Premises License – Sale of alcohol requests

  Film Club – 12th April 2019 – No problem


Next month’s noteworthy hirings

  7th April – Railway Exhibition

12th April – Film Club – A Star is Born

17th April – Film Club – Peter Rabbit


Village Fete Sub Committee

  5th April meeting has been postponed and will now be on 15th April at 8 pm.


Communication Officers Report

  MH confirmed that the Bulletin is now 28 pages.  Unfortunately, the Spring edition was late getting out.  MH asked VBC to check out who delivers to Henderson Place as Bulletins are not being delivered.


Items to be discussed at next meeting

Meeting closed at 9 pm
Date of next meeting – 29th April 2019 – 7.30 pm John Lampon Hall


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