St Mary’s Update – 2nd May
The following dates have been advised to us from St Mary’s, note italicised services are not at St Mary’s.
- Thursday 5th May
- 9am Open house
- 10am Rachel’s Home Group,
- 2.30pm 5 Ts,
- 7pm Messy Church Prayer meeting
- 8pm Ascension Day Communion service at St Mary’s, Langham
- Friday 6th May
- 7.45pm Wired
- Saturday 7th May
- 8.30am Colchester Area Prayer Breakfast
- Sunday 8th May
- 9.30am Messy Church, the theme will be ‘Who is my neighbour?’ There will be something for all ages so everyone is welcome.
Don’t forget the pre-Messy Church prayer meeting on Thursday @ 7pm in church. - 9.30am Communion, St Peter’s, Boxted
- 11.15am Communion, All Saints’, Gt Horkesley,
- 6pm Storytime Club at New Village Hall, Gt Horkesley
- 6.30pm Evening Prayer
- 9.30am Messy Church, the theme will be ‘Who is my neighbour?’ There will be something for all ages so everyone is welcome.
- Tuesday 10th May
- 11am Village Communion
- 8pm Home Group at Richard & Dorothy’s
- Thursday 12th May
- 9am Open house
- 2.30pm 5Ts
- 8pm PCC Meeting
Christian Aid Week – 15-21 May
Mandy’s husband, Paul Elmes, has very kindly offered to take over from Richard Chadborn as co-ordinator and would be grateful for volunteers to take part in the house-to-house collections. There is now a sign-up sheet at the back of the church.- Sunday 15th May
- 8am BCP Communion, St Mary’s, Langham
- 9.30am Pentecost Communion Service and baptism of Tilly & Rhys
- 9.30am Family Service, St Mary’s, Langham
- 11.15am Pentecost Praise, St John’s, Gt Horkesley
- 6pm Evensong, St Peter’s, Boxted
- Saturday 28th May
- Senior Citizen’s Lunch – Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who organised and helped or made puddings for the lunch on 23rd April!
The next one will be on Sat 28 May.
- Senior Citizen’s Lunch – Thank you!
- Sunday 29th May
- Next joint 3 parishes service 9.30am at St Mary’s West Bergholt
Sunday 12th June – West Bergholt Open Gardens
A reminder that Nicole would like to ask for your help with providing and serving refreshments in church on the Open Gardens day in June. Also we will need homemade cakes to serve. All offers of help to Nicole Long – email [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”] or phone-240443.
Sunday Bible Readings
- Sun 8 May – John 17:20-26 – Jesus prays for all believers
- Sun 15 May – John 14:8-17 & 25-27 – Jesus the way to the Father