Premises & Recreation – 4th September 2017
The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 4th September when, among other items, they discussed H&S matters, new lighting, new flooring, painting, roofing, handymen, licensing, football clubs, hiring and annual fireworks.
Premises & Recreation Minutes
Sub-committee Meeting held on 4th September 2017 in JL Hall
Sub-committee members present: |
Brian Butcher, Jenny Church, Janet Crichton, |
Also in attendance: |
Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator) |
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ApologiesMurray Harlow, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell |
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Minutes of the last meeting on 3rd July 2017 were agreed. |
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Matters from Last Meeting |
3.1 | Health and Safety – Fire extinguisher training – VBC will re-contact the fire extinguisher trainer and arrange dates with the regular hirers who showed interest as training in July was postponed. |
3.2 | Health & Safety Policy (as relates to Hall Administrator) – LW still to check with EALC Trainer regarding H & S training – what it is & do we need it? |
LW |
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Clerks & Administrator’s Report |
4.1 | Lighting – VBC reported that the JL Hall lighting had been completed during the summer holidays. In future any replacements to be eco-friendly. VBC advised that one of the Orpen Hall light units is faulty and the electrician has taken it away to fix. |
4.2 | Hall Flooring – The Orpen Hall flooring was completed during the summer holidays. Unfortunately, there was damage to the floor from one of the hall hirers which incurred a cost of £123. BB will follow this up. Zoe was informed on how to look after the floor and explained this to VBC. Zoe also confirmed that to keep the floor as it is will involve more time then she has in her weekly hours. BB proposed that Zoe comes back with a proposal on how this can be fitted in. VBC has now put instructions on the cleaning cupboard on how to deal with spillages, and has been telling hirers as and when they hire and put on the terms and conditions. VBC will get a quote forwarded to her to send to the Orpen Players detailing the cost of doing the stage flooring from the company that carried out the Orpen Hall flooring. |
BB/VBC/Zoe |
4.3 | Hall border tidying – LW did not hear back from the Young Offenders but in the meantime an email from the WB Garden Association has been received with concerns on the hall borders. BB replied enquiring whether they would like to be involved with advice, tidying up the borders, etc and it was left that they will put in on their next Agenda to discuss and come back to us in September. | BB |
4.4 | Projector – BB will email CS to confirm the specification is correct. | BB |
4.5 | Internal Painting – This was completed during the summer holidays. It has been suggested that the light bulbs in the Orpen Hall be changed in due course so that the ceiling looks white. BT to organise for the notices and pictures to be re-framed not exceeding £500.00 including VAT. | BT |
4.6 | Roofing – BB proposed a roofing surveyor – Daniel Connal Partnership to quote for survey and to oversee the work with a view for work to be carried out in the summer 2018. | BB |
4.7 | Hall User Group – The new Terms & Conditions form that detail the contacts needed for this group will be completed in September and once received all up to date details BB will contact and arrange a meeting. | VBC/BB |
4.8 | Handyman Schedule – VBC showed the committee the up to date schedule and VBC will continue to monitor. | VBC |
4.9 | Website – VBC currently in the process of putting the “bits” together for the online hall information & booking – on going. | VBC |
4.10 | Bluebell’s Blackboards – Bluebells have contributed to the three blackboard to be erected on the external wall. The Committee would like Bluebells to attempt to remove the chalk from the brick wall around where the blackboards have been erected. | VBC |
4.11 | Servery – BB to raise with Finance Committee to confirm funds are available to decorate the servery. | BB/ Finance Cmt |
4.12 | Update on annual servicing – The boiler was serviced during the summer holidays and on the 7th and 8th September a new boiler will be replaced together with minor repair works to the JL boiler. BB asked that VBC re-forward LW the quote. The fire and intruder alarms were serviced and all to be found in working order. VBC to continue testing the different red fire alerts throughout the building on a weekly basis. Bluebells will also test one once a month too for their own records. VBC to get the CCTV serviced and quote for a potential new camera as we have capacity on our system. | VBC |
4.13 | Drainage repair– this was carried out in the summer holidays and paid for. | |
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Premises Licence |
LW to send off Premises Licence to CBC. | LW | |
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Conditions of Licence and Hiring |
VBC to print out all Conditions of Licence to give to LW to sign off and then to be sent to the individual Clubs. BB mentioned there was a RCCE Conference on 14th October and wondered if anyone from the Committee would like to attend. BB will be going. | VBC/LW | |
New storage facilities are in progress with it proposed the Orpen Players moving out to the new garage and Bluebells moving into the Orpen Players garage so that the Environment Committee tools/machines can be stored in Bluebell’s garage to gain access at any time. Orpen Players will be requested to rehouse the piano. | VBC | |
Now that keys have been obtained for all relevant holders the blue bin will now be locked at all times – VBC to distribute and advise all holders. | VBC | |
VBC asked if a table trolley for the smaller tables can be bought to store the tables in the JL Hall. Committee agreed at a cost of £239.99 plus VAT. |
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Communication Officers Report |
No report was presented. | ||
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Usage of fields |
8.1 | WBFC Lease: Still awaiting advice from RCCE. | |
8.2 | BHYFC – A meeting was held by MH and JC with the FC who advised MH that they have bought a white lining machine but were having a hard job in doing the white linings. Mick Bell was said to have offered to give his advice on white lining. Kelly is also getting a quote from TLC, Kelly and Mick to liaise. It was noted though the school pay Countrywide for 9×9 pitch plus the rounders and athletic tracks, etc. | |
8.3 | Fireworks – PS & BB had meeting, and the outcome is for the PTA to pay half of the works to the Poor’s Field gate to give adequate width access. Quote came in at £400.00. Quote is still to come in for the hard standing. | PS/BB |
8.4 | Agreements to use fields – Draft Agreement in progress for Firework PTA use – once all parties have agreed this will then be formally sent out, PS to meet and discuss further. | BB/PS |
Under 5’s & 6’s football team continuing to use the football pitch on a Saturday morning. To date no hire charge has been made, BB/VBC need to look back as to what was agreed and to invoice them accordingly. | BB/VBC | |
Meeting closed at 8.50 pm | ||
Date of next meeting – 2nd October 2017 – 7.30 pm John Lampon Hall – Murray Harlow to Chair – Brian Butcher apologies in advance for not attending next meeting. |