Environment & Highways – 8th February 2024

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 8th February 2024 with topics including:

On 8th February 2024 the E&H Committee discussed speeding issues & a possible trial with police to address them.
  • Paper recycling used at Newbridge Mill Farm,
  • Litter issues around Uncle Kams Fish & Chip shop,
  • Possible involvement in a speeding control trial,
  • Tree Planting, and
  • Handymen’s report including:
    • Replacing some saplings that had been disturbed,
    • Litter picking,
    • Truck repairs went well,
    • Highways preliminary sweep of Argents Lane.

Environment Committee Minutes

Meeting held on Thurs 8th February 2024 at 4.30pm in SC Mtg Rm

Members present:Cllrs Katie Pulford (KP), Harry Stone (HS), David Short (DS) and John Gili-Ross (JGR) (via Zoom),
Also present:No members of the public

1.     Welcome & Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Manya Barrow and James Owers.

2.     Declarations of Interests


3.     Minutes & actions from previous meeting

The minutes of the 11th January 2024 were approved. No further comment.

4.     Public participation

No members of the public were present.

5.     Handymen’s report:

  1. The pathway of New Church Road has been swept.
  2. Some of the saplings planted at the corner of Armoury Road have been disturbed but replaced.
  3. Litter picking has been taking place.
  4. The Highways Department have given a preliminary sweep to Argents Lane with more heavy duty sweeping to follow.
  5. The cones used during the recent flooding at the bottom of Newbridge Hill are now back in the Garage and by using the new shelving the wood left on the floor has been cleared.
  6. The repairs to the truck engine seem to have been successful and regular charging of the battery will now take place. 
  7. Groundwork for the new storage shed is expected to start in March.

6.     Village ponds

All three are full of water and there are no new issues.

7.     William Simms Sports Field

Once ownership of the field has been transferred to the PC several issues will need to be worked on, such as drainage and stones on the surface.  Decisions will be needed on issues such as parking and the attitude to dogs. At the appropriate time it is suggested that this should be considered by the full Parish Council.

8.     Uncle Kams Fish and Chip shop

It is proposed that a face–to-face meeting between the Chair of the Parish Council and the shop owner should be arranged to resolve issues such as litter.

9.     Paper recycling at Newbridge Mill Farm

The farm is planning to stop the use of recycled paper for animal bedding from March.  As a result, the worst smells should not be experienced but there will be the standard smells from the normal use of manure.  It is regrettable that this issue has led to rude and aggressive behaviour by a minority, and it was pointed out that this is not the only farm in the area to use this means of land fertilization.

10.  Speeding in Lexden and Colchester Road

The Police have been contacted over this matter and asked if West Bergholt can be included in a trial that is planned to deal with this issue.  This could involve extra patrols working with our Speed Watch team.

11.  Tree planting

Heathlands School is planning to take advantage of the CCC free tree planting scheme and has asked if the village might have a tree planting day. Newbridge Mill Farm is planning to plant some by the river near the bridge.  KP is to contact the school to invite them to be involved in this.

12.  Date of next meeting

The next Environment Committee meeting will be on Thurs 14th March 2024, at 4.30pm in the SC Meeting Room.

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