Highlights of Environment & Highways Meeting on 17th March 2022
The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 17th March 2022 with topics including:
- Handymen activities,
- Spraying reed mace in ponds,
- Weeds on Colchester Road footpath,
- Trees including Orpen Hall, Heathlands School & sponsorships,
- Zip wire installation & adjustment to football pitch, &
- Queen’s Jubilee preparations.
Environment & Highways Committee Report
Committee Meeting held on Thurs 17th March 2022
Present: | John Gili-Ross, Manya Barrow, David Short, Harry Stone |
Apologies: | Jenny Church |
1. Handymen and Essex devolved activities
JGR explained the background and purpose of Essex Devo for the benefit of newly elected committee members. A recovery from the winter period has begun and mowing of grassed areas has started. The mower has been repaired and all equipment was serviced over the winter period.
2. Ponds
Spraying of the reed-mace etc. will be started imminently when Nigel returns to work after 28 March.
3. Footpath along Colchester Rd
Weeds have been cleared by handymen but the holes remain yet to be dealt with by highways. JGR will chase Lewis Barber on this.
4. Children’s play area
The zip wire will be installed at the end of the football season and in time for the Jubilee. The football club have been very cooperative on the question of rotating the pitch through circa 10 degrees to accommodate the zip wire. Three quotes for the work entailed in the rotation and re-positioning of the goal posts and corner flag posts have been received and the one from Countrywide has been chosen. Some re-seeding and raising of the level of the goal area will be required and is included in the quote.
5. New trees at front of Orpen Hall
The new trees have been installed by Oakview. The siting and wording of the relevant plaques was discussed in detail and a further meeting is proposed to include the Clerk who has done some excellent preliminary work in this regard. Harry is to discuss further with Oakview regarding their choice of wording etc.
6. Queen’s Jubilee celebrations
The beacons are to be lit nationwide on 2nd. June and the West Bergholt beacon is to be installed on or before 25th May. DS is preparing the wood for burning and will require to borrow or purchase suitable plastic containers in which to soak the wood in paraffin.
7. School proposal to purchase trees
It was felt that it was not practical to plant a tree for every single pupil but nevertheless perhaps one for each class may be possible. This matter should be discussed further with the school.
8. Tree and Lawn Co. (TLC)
This firm has been very helpful to the village in the past and have offered to sponsor a tree. A site for this tree was provisionally agreed to be adjacent to the Henderson development.