Allotments Seasonal Update – Charity & Vacancies

Allotments Seasonal Update

The West Bergholt Allotments are coming to the end of another fantastic growing season and are winding down their charity stall and inviting newcomers to join them.

seasonal produceCharity Stall

With winter nearly upon us, the Allotment holders have now harvested and gathered in the majority of fruit, flowers and vegetables.  Consequently, we will close the Allotment Charity Table for the winter months after SUNDAY 16TH OCTOBER.

On the following evening, Monday 17th October, at the Garden Club’s meeting at Orphan Hall, we, together with the Gardener’s Club, will present the monies raised to Richard & Nikki Bowdidge for the Tom Bowdidge Foundation.  We will also announce the final total raised.


The West Bergholt Allotment Committee would like to acknowledge the local community and the allotment plot holders who have generously supported the Charity Table throughout the Spring, Summer and Autumn months.

The committee have agreed to give due consideration to maintaining the Charity Table in future years.

Once again, our thanks to all for your support and funds raised.

flowers-on-allotmentsVacant Plots

Apply now to start growing seasonal Flowers, Fruits or Vegetables with us.  A limited number of vacant plots are available.  Now is the ideal time to plant or sow for next year’s harvest of Strawberries, Raspberries, Sweet Peas, Broad Beans, Spring Onions, Shallots and Onions (red and white).

To get started contact Terry Claydon on 241256 or email [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].


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