Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Starts

Logo of the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan projectDraft Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Starts
Make Sure You Have Your Say!

Major consultation starts on matters which will affect our village and parish for the next 15 years

Following on from the publication of the preferred option for Colchester’s Local plan, the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group is holding its own consultation. This autumn, starting on 5th October and extending until the end of November, a major consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan for West Bergholt will take place.

The consultation will take the form of:

  • A summary leaflet on the main points of interest in the Neighbourhood Plan.
  • Release of the draft Neighbourhood Plan document.
  • A questionnaire.
  • Meetings as required but including the October and November Parish Council meetings

To find out more and to view the consultation material listed above please visit our Neighbourhood Plan pages, so, to get started visit some of the main webpages listed below:


Residents and Businesses are urged to visit the exhibition and read the consultation during the next few weeks to view:

  • Possible locations for new housing and sports facilities.
  • A range of community initiatives and projects we may want to see fulfilled.
  • Policies we may adopt to guide our planning and response to planning applications.

Take time to read the full document, the various consultation summaries, exhibition material and participate in the accompanying survey. This is the last of the informal consultations which will take place. After this our plan has to take its chances in the rarefied atmosphere of statutory planning examinations, including a referendum in due course, before it can declared a “statutory” plan.

As Chris Stevenson, Chairman of the Steering Group says:

It has been my pleasure to lead a group of extremely motivated people, whose concerted effort has been to bring us to this point in the process. Make their day and mine by helping us over the line – by all means challenge us and argue with our findings but do so from the point of making the plan even better than it is. Above all participate!

This is a pivotal point in our history. Never before has national and local government actually asked us to prepare our own plan to cover the next 15 years – let’s make the most of this opportunity!

Chris Stevenson
Chairman West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan steering Group
Chairman West Bergholt Parish Council


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