25 Years of Heathlands Fireworks

celebrating 25 years!25 Years of Heathlands Fireworks

Once again Heathlands Primary will be hosting their ever popular Firework Display.  This time, it’s a special anniversary as well since it is 25 years since their first display!

Taking place on Saturday 4th November the gate opens at 5pm.  Tickets on the night (if left) will cost £8 for adults and £5 for children.  Advance purchase is possible from Monday 9th October at discounted prices of  £6 and £3 (pre-school children are free).  As ever there will be multiple food options available as well as:

  • Live Band,
  • Licensed Beer Tents,
  • Soft Drinks,
  • Hot Drinks,
  • Glows,
  • Sweets,
  • Popcorn and more!

To find stockists of tickets, or to find out more, you can:

In the meantime enjoy the following slideshow preview:


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