Yesterday, the latest Film Club event on 23rd November, tells the story of a struggling musician realizing he’s the only person on Earth who can remember The Beatles after waking up in an alternate timeline where they never existed. Directed by Danny Boyle and with screenwriter Richard Curtis this film seems too good to miss! Enjoy the trailer & synopsis of the show below.
[Source: IMDB]
Taking place in the Orpen Hall, doors will open at 7 pm for showtime at 7:30 pm. Refreshments will be available.
Rating & Tickets
The film is rated 12A because of ‘mild’ use of sex and profanity, Those aged 12 & over and under 16, should be accompanied by an adult. Tickets are £5, available in advance from Scissorhands, with proceeds going towards a new playground at Orpen field.
Refreshments will be available on the night.
One day Jack was nobody. Everything was perfectly normal. Until on that one day, a global power outage occurred, affecting everything. The very next day, Jack discovers that he is the only one in the world who remembers The Beatles. Whilst trying to wrap his head around what is happening, Jack finds himself on a journey to figure out what happened on that one night, and to bring back joy and bring back the memory of the one band from yesterday.
Screenwriter Richard Curtis asked for Paul McCartney’s approval of the title of the film. Sir Paul gave his blessing, but also suggested they call it “Scrambled Eggs” instead. This was a lighthearted reference to the fact that before coming up with the lyrics for Yesterday, Paul McCartney had the temporary lyrics of Scrambled Eggs as a placeholder for the song.
More trivia here.