In response to issues raised by village residents in the Parish Plan of 2009 the Parish Council spent nearly two years consulting various parties before producing last year a Traffic Safety Plan for the village. The plan was endorsed by the Local Highways Panel and formed the basis for the funding for the projects under current consideration.
Early indications from the comments on the returned questionnaires from the whole village for the present Neighbourhood Plan are that the most pressing concerns of residents continue to centre on traffic issues, and in particular speeding and parking. The particular dangers are perceived to be in the areas leading up to the school and the Co-op, both of which provide vital services to the village. Clearly many would support actions to address these dangers.
The Parish Council is now actively pursuing the implementation of this Traffic Safety Plan and is engaged with Essex County Council (ECC) engineers in drawing up plans for safety works in New Church Road. These will inevitably involve some restrictions on the speed of traffic and parking. The Council is committed to ensuring that the measures have a positive impact by meeting the aims of the plan whilst at the same time considering the views of village residents. The intention is to create an environment where parents of older pupils at the school feel safe in allowing their children to walk, or even to cycle, to school unaccompanied thus removing the need to use their car. This clearly does not exist at the moment and to do nothing will not improve safety.
Set out below are the proposed measures for adoption recommended by the Parish Council. Any suggestions for changes will be considered before a final version is submitted to ECC Highways for the portfolio holder’s approval. Once obtained formal notices of the works to be carried out will be published by ECC.
- No parking double yellow lines for 15m (the statutory length) at each junction with New Church Road. This will enable enforcement to be carried out by the relevant authorities.
- A low level rectangular table at each end of New Church Road. The aim is to check driver speeds and raise awareness of potential pedestrian presence ahead. It is likely that low level lighting will be needed at these points – no specific plans are currently available.
- Time restricted parking (single yellow line) for about 20m spanning the footpath from Mumford Close into New Church Road together with minor works to improve the crossing point. This is considered essential at school journey times to give children a clear view down the road.
- Time restricted parking from the zig zags for 20m towards Lexden Road. Designed to give a clear view around the dangerous bend in the road.
- Improved signage at the junctions of New Church Road with Chapel Road and Lexden Road and of School Lane with Colchester Road.
A composite plan and detailed plans for each of these works are shown below.
In addition to these measures the Parish Council is considering making an application for a 20mph speed limit in New Church Road and School Lane. This application is more likely to succeed if the above measures are implemented first. Please send your comments on the recommendation and the introduction of a 20mph speed limit to the Parish Clerk – Mrs Val Walsom, 17 Armoury Road, or preferably by email to [email protected].