Join the fight for a safe crossing of Colchester Road!
West Bergholt Parish Council, with the support of its County Councillor Lewis Barber, has been trying since the adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan in 2019 to obtain agreement from Essex County Council to provide a crossing, of some sort, across Colchester Road. A crossing and/or traffic calming will allow residents, especially those from the new and proposed housing sites, to safely access all the village’s facilities, including children and families walking to Heathlands School. In fact, a crossing of Colchester Road and/or traffic calming was part of the Neighbourhood Plan proposals which ECC generally endorsed. Money has already been or is being collected by Colchester City Council towards the cost through s106 contributions1 from the developers of Colchester Road.
Today the Parish Council resumes in-person meetings. You can find out what they’ll be talking about in detail on the Parish Council Agenda Page. In summary they will appoint Vice Chairs, Responsible Finance Officer and standing committees and other representatives. Committees & CBC Councillors will be giving updates, Audit report and other financial documents will be reviewed. Planning looks at 3 applications and receives an update on the NEEB appeal.
If a member of the public or press wishes to attend this meeting, please email the Clerk as soon as possible so that suitable Covid-secure arrangements can be made. A zoom link will also be made available for those who prefer to attend remotely.
Seeing Red with an Illegal & Problem Parking Blight
The Parish Council are seeing red about illegal parking around the Zebra Crossing on Chapel Road and have placed 2 huge red banners to remind illegal parkers not to do so.
In short the Five Es are the village’s Road Safety Group’s basic principles for improving Road Safety in West Bergholt. The Road Safety Group was formed two years ago prompted by:
a concern for safety around the Co-op zebra crossing, and
the need to create a second road safety plan for:
the school area, and
other roads around the village.
The group is made up of Borough & Parish Council members and volunteers from around the village. We are engaging fully with Essex Council and Anne Brown, our County Councilor has a significant interest in our campaign.
Did you get a new GoPro or Dash Cam for Christmas?
A GoPro or Dash Cam could go a long way to help Road Safety in the village and elsewhere under a new scheme. The Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) is encouraging road users to submit footage showing dangerous road user behaviour. This is part of a new campaign to make the region’s roads safer for everyone. Continue reading “New GoPro or DashCam for Xmas?”
The Road Safety Group has been actively engaged with the Parish Council to find ways to make our roads safer. Key concerns are parking violations and speeding, can you help make a difference? If so read on. Continue reading “Road Safety Group Calls for Volunteers”
Improving traffic safety in our villages and schools can take some time but West Bergholt Parish Council has shown it is worth the effort. Over a three-year period the village produced and introduced a Traffic Safety Plan. It did this working in partnership with Essex County Council, Heathlands primary school and village residents.
Responding to concerns about traffic related safety issues in the village, the Parish Council has helped to form a group whose brief is to explore ways of addressing these concerns. This group consists of Parish Councillors, Borough Councillors and residents who want to help bring about improvements; since September it has met three times.
As a starting point, the Village Safety Plan of 2012, which led to changes in New Church Road, has been revisited. As then, no single measure will solve all our problems, and so an approach, which is termed the 5 Es, is being followed.
Engage the community
Encourage good driving and parking
Educate all sections of the community
Enforce the regulations
Engineer revised road layouts
All need careful thought and cooperation to achieve, with 4E and 5E being most difficult and needing most time; however we have made a start.
On 25th February in the Orpen Hall a safety promotional event is being planned and will be advertised fully in the New Year, so please look out for details and make every effort to attend.
Following increased activity on Facebook about 30 residents have already downloaded an App called Trygve. This gives you the chance to report incidents, with photographs if appropriate, and will:
give the authorities the means to identify persistent safety abusers, and
enable the group to collect evidence to support action at the most dangerous hotspots.
That being so, if you feel able, please sign up to join those already giving their support using this link.
The team are also establishing good communications with the School, hence parents, and there are plans to engage other key players such as the Coop.
If you have ideas to help, or would like more information, please contact the group through the Parish Clerk, Laura Walkinshaw, on 240772 or [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].
This village is fortunate to have a well organised, business-like Parish Council. This is one of the reasons why West Bergholt is such a pleasant village to live in. The Parish Council has taken the lead in creating three important documents. First, Continue reading “Borough Councillors Annual Report 2015”
At a special meeting of the Parish Council held on 6th November, the traffic safety plan designed to help alleviate some of the traffic problems in and around New Church Road, particularly around school times, was approved.
In brief the plan is to put restrictions on parking at the junctions along New Church Road, including the end junctions where inconsiderate parking can cause dangers at any time. Part of the plan is to raise awareness of the need to take extra care in the vicinity of a school and to achieve this the Parish Council will seek the imposition of a 20mph limit along the road. Also the part the school can play in influencing drivers’ behaviour was discussed and so it is hoped that working with the Parish Council and local residents a campaign to impact on the problem will be launched as the above measures are put into place.
The full plan is now published on the village web site, also available with the plan is a summary of the way it has been developed and the consultations that have taken place, particularly with local residents. Links to these are posted below:
At a special meeting of the Parish Council held on 6th November, the plan designed to help alleviate some of the traffic problems in and around New Church Road, particularly around school times, was approved.
In brief the plan is to put restrictions on parking at the junctions along New Church Road, including the end junctions where inconsiderate parking can cause dangers at any time.
Part of the plan is to raise awareness of the need to take extra care in the vicinity of a school and to achieve this the Parish Council will seek the imposition of a 20mph limit along the road. Also the part the school can play in influencing drivers’ behaviour was discussed and so it is hoped that working with the Parish Council and local residents a campaign to impact on the problem will be launched as the above measures are put into place.