2015 Parish Meeting Well Attended

Refreshments before the meeting
Refreshments before the meeting
Opportunity to review the Neighbourhood Plan exhibition boards
Opportunity to review the Neighbourhood Plan exhibition boards
Public at 2015 annual meeting
Much debate between members and villagers
Discussions with parish councillors
The opportunity to talk to councillors was definitely taken up

2015 Parish Meeting Well Attended

The 2015 Parish Meeting saw over 100 local residents attending to receive the annual report from the Parish Council, the draft minutes of the meeting have already been published online but the following are highlights of the event.

Chairman’s Report

In his last Annual Meeting as Chairman, John Gili-Ross reflected on the importance of the Neighbourhood Plan in ensuring West Bergholt develops in accordance with the wishes of the local community.  On the subject of community, John also discussed the important part played by the many local volunteers:

Our future lies firmly within the many volunteers who help provide a vibrant and interesting village life.  Imagine how different our village would be without the many volunteers who provide our village with clubs, recreational pursuits, youth organisations, church communities, institutes and associations. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all our village volunteers.

Other areas he covered included the Superfast Essex broadband project, the achievement of the Local Council Quality Award, and the commitment of local councillors.  In winding up his Introductory messages he gave thanks to Val Walsom who will be retiring as Parish Clerk after many years, also to Vicky Beckwith-Cole, Halls Administrator and Stephen Cook, village handyman.

Committee Reports

Environment & Highways

Harry Stone reported on the wide span of responsibility this committee covers including:

  • The Allotments where he addressed the improvements in management and support with the rotavator and replacement of water tanks,
  • The Village Green & Poors Land which require regular maintenance,
  • The 3 ponds which need regular clearance of reed mace,
  • General maintenance in and around the village,
  • Traffic congestion and parking, updating on progress with the Traffic Safety Plan,
  • Highway Maintenance, liaison with Essex Highways attempting to prioritize those areas most needing attention,
  • MUGA & Sports facility which, whilst well used, has sometimes been abused but remedial action appears to be working,
  • Dog Fouling, Snow Clearance and Tree Conservation.

Premises & Recreation

Phil Walby reported on the halls and the high levels of lettings and events, not least by regular groups.  Projects undertaken in the past year included the resurfacing  and new LED lights for the car park, interior hall redecoration and provision of all-weather football facilities.  Projects planned for the upcoming year (funds permitting) include safety improvements to play equipment, stage curtains, floor treatments and introducing new regular events such as film nights.

Planning & Development

Chris Stevenson reported that the busiest part of this portfolio related to 43 planing applications in the past year (20% higher than the previous year) where the committee supported 19, objected to just 5 but made observations on a further 19.  Longer term, more strategic, activities included consultations with the Borough Council on Local Planning and provision of design guidance.  The committee was also deeply involved with the Orpen Hall car park resurfacing project.

Parish/Neighbourhood Planning

Chris Stevenson was able to report that most elements of the Parish plan, produced in 2008, have now been addressed and that progress has been made on its successor, the Neighbourhood Plan, through collection of evidence, analysis and eventual plan production – it is planned for a draft consultation document to be issued by the end of 2015.

Finance, Policy & Personnel

Andrew Savage reported that the 2013/14 accounts were signed off by the external auditor.  Financial activities in the past year were dominated by the Orpen Hall car park resurfacing which cost over £60k, but other projects have also been progressed including new chairs for both halls.  Projects like these are often fully or partly funded by grants, and indeed, some grant income did support these, but these are becoming increasingly difficult to secure and so to continue moving forward a small increase in the parish precept has had to be made.

Traffic Safety Plan news update

Traffic Safety Plan - Appendix 2a
Overview of measures (click to enlarge)

At a special meeting of the Parish Council held on 6th November, the traffic safety plan designed to help alleviate some of the traffic problems in and around New Church Road, particularly around school times, was approved.

In brief the plan is to put restrictions on parking at the junctions along New Church Road, including the end junctions where inconsiderate parking can cause dangers at any time.  Part of the plan is to raise awareness of the need to take extra care in the vicinity of a school and to achieve this the Parish Council will seek the imposition of a 20mph limit along the road.   Also the part the school can play in influencing drivers’ behaviour was discussed and so it is hoped that working with the Parish Council and local residents a campaign to impact on the problem will be launched as the above measures are put into place.

The full plan is now published on the village web site, also available with the plan is a summary of the way it has been developed and the consultations that have taken place, particularly with local residents.  Links to these are posted below:

Village Traffic Safety Plan

traffic safety plan for West Bergholt
Overview of part of the new plans – see below for full size copies

In response to issues raised by village residents in the Parish Plan of 2009 the Parish Council spent nearly two years consulting various parties before producing last year a Traffic Safety Plan for the village.   The plan was endorsed by the Local Highways Panel and formed the basis for the funding for the projects under current consideration.

Early indications from the comments on the returned questionnaires from the whole village for the present Neighbourhood Plan are that the most pressing concerns of residents continue to centre on traffic issues, and in particular speeding and parking.  The particular dangers are perceived to be in the areas leading up to the school and the Co-op, both of which provide vital services to the village. Clearly many would support actions to address these dangers.

The Parish Council is now actively pursuing the implementation of this Traffic Safety Plan and is engaged with Essex County Council (ECC) engineers in drawing up plans for safety works in New Church Road.  These will inevitably involve some restrictions on the speed of traffic and parking.  The Council is committed to ensuring that the measures have a positive impact by meeting the aims of the plan whilst at the same time considering the views of village residents.  The intention is to create an environment where parents of older pupils at the school feel safe in allowing their children to walk, or even to cycle, to school unaccompanied thus removing the need to use their car.  This clearly does not exist at the moment and to do nothing will not improve safety.

Set out below are the proposed measures for adoption recommended by the Parish Council.  Any suggestions for changes will be considered before a final version is submitted to ECC Highways for the portfolio holder’s approval.  Once obtained formal notices of the works to be carried out will be published by ECC.

  1. No parking double yellow lines for 15m (the statutory length) at each junction with New Church Road.  This will enable enforcement to be carried out by the relevant authorities.
  2. A low level rectangular table at each end of New Church Road.  The aim is to check driver speeds and raise awareness of potential pedestrian presence ahead.  It is likely that low level lighting will be needed at these points – no specific plans are currently available.
  3. Time restricted parking (single yellow line) for about 20m spanning the footpath from Mumford Close into New Church Road together with minor works to improve the crossing point. This is considered essential at school journey times to give children a clear view down the road.
  4. Time restricted parking from the zig zags for 20m towards Lexden Road.  Designed to give a clear view around the dangerous bend in the road.
  5. Improved signage at the junctions of New Church Road with Chapel Road and  Lexden Road and of School Lane with Colchester Road.

A composite plan and detailed plans for each of these works are shown below.

In addition to these measures the Parish Council is considering making an application for a 20mph speed limit in New Church Road and School Lane. This application is more likely to succeed if the above measures are implemented first.  Please send your comments on the recommendation and the introduction of a 20mph speed limit to the Parish Clerk – Mrs Val Walsom, 17 Armoury Road, or preferably by email to [email protected].

West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan area unveiled – CBC Consultation

Logo of the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan project
Logo of the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan project

In preparations for starting a Neighbourhood Plan the area defined by the plan has to be the subject of an application to Colchester Borough Council by the Parish Council. Following the village workshop last November the area was agreed as being coincident with the Parish Council boundary, and an application has been submitted by the Parish Council. In turn the Borough Council sets this out in a wider 6 week consultation which can be viewed on the Colchester Borough Council website here.  If you wish to do so, you have until 20th June to respond to this consultation.

The general survey of residents of the village & parish takes place in June via these web pages and the Village Bulletin. Look out for the questionnaire and make sure you have your say.


The Neighbourhood Plan Survey is now live online until the end of June on this website.

Traffic Safety Update

Last summer the Parish Council adopted a Traffic Safety Plan which has its origins in the Parish Plan and has as its aim an enhancement of levels of safety in the village.  This plan has been developed by the Environment and Highways Committee of the Parish Council as a result of the ongoing and increasing concerns of village residents.

A principal objective of the traffic plan is to improve all aspects of safety in the region of  Heathlands School and the surrounding feeder roads.  To achieve this measures are needed that will help to slow traffic, restrict parking that is irresponsible in dangerous areas and at the same time  provide alternative parking for parents that find it necessary to use a car to transport their children to school.

The plan contains a number of proposals for relatively minor structural work in New Church Road and School Lane.  These include parking restrictions at the junctions at each end of New Church Road, better signage to improve awareness of the school and a build out from the footpath from Mumford Close.  These plans have now been considered for implementation by the Local Highways Panel and it is good to report that all have been approved.  It is pleasing to know that if ideas that come forward from the village are put into a plan and discussed with the authorities concerned they can be developed into realistic projects.  As yet there is no news of when the work will take place but the village will be kept informed.

For its part the Parish Council has considered ways of providing alternative parking.  The Orpen Hall car park will be resurfaced and facilities improved.  The works mentioned above will enhance safety for the walk from the car park to school.  The Treble Tile has agreed that, subject to certain conditions, its car park can be used at school drop off and pick up times.  To make safe the walk from here to school a new footpath parallel to School Lane is being installed along the edge of Poors Land.

Throughout this process the Parish Council is in dialogue with the school to ensure that as these modifications are put into place maximum advantage for all concerned is achieved by them.  A full copy of The Safety Plan can be obtained by E-mail from The Parish Clerk or Harry Stone at  [email protected] or alternatively it can be viewed on this website.

Broadband update

Waiting for response on laptop1st Class Broadband!

Thanks to the Parish Council and the Parish Plan group working together to achieve a common objective, West Bergholt now has access to high speed broadband services through its community broadband partner County Broadband Ltd.

In 2010 the village chose County Broadband to supply broadband services into the village totally independently of the BT services taking the speeds from an average of 500kbps to up to 8Mbps as required by the user. The charges for village residents and businesses are comparable to those charged by other broadband suppliers. By not being dependent on BT for the link between the broadband exchange and the home or business, the speeds provided are much faster and in line with modern user demand.

Speeds in excess of 20Mbs are now available to those needing higher performance and these will climb still further to meet the demands of our village in the years ahead.

If you require more information on broadband or would like to take advantage of the community provided service then contact County Broadband directly on either 0845 686 5000 or through their website at http://www.countybroadband.co.uk/

Remember that as this is a community broadband service that the village receives a small return on the original investment for every village user connected to the service. The money can then be used by the Parish Council to improve other needed services in the village.

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