Trees for Years 2019
Colchester Borough Council is giving residents and groups who’d like to green-up their gardens a helping hand, with its annual ‘Trees for Years’ giveaway on Saturday, 2 February. Turn up at Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road between 10 am – 1 pm and you can take home up to 3 plants per resident (or 15 per school/community group or parish council). Arrive early to secure the best plants which will be given out on a first-come, first served basis.
What Plants?
Trees for Years sees over 2,000 free native trees and shrubs, chosen for their value to bees and other wildlife. Plants available are bare-root and range from 50cm to 1.2m high; you should bring a bag with you to transport them home. Members of the Parks & Recreation Service will be available to give advice on which plants would be suitable for different size gardens.
Plants available are:
- Bird Cherry (Prunus padus),
- Field Maple (Acer campestre),
- Yellow Barked Dogwood (Cornus stolonifera ‘Flaviramea’),
- Silver Birch ((Betula pendula),
- Red Barked Dogwood (Cornus alba Siberica),
- Forsythia x Intermedia Spectablis,
- Raspberry,
- Blackcurrant,
- Gooseberry,
- Lavender (Lavandula).
Trees for Years 2019 Care Guide
Proof of Residence
You will need to provide a postcode and house number and provide proof of residence such as a recent utility bill.
Sponsored By
Now in its 13th year, the scheme has been made possible thanks to sponsorship from idverde, which works in partnership with the borough council to maintain the borough’s green spaces.
As a green services provider, we are pleased to support this initiative which gives Colchester’s residents, community groups, and schools the opportunity to help green up their gardens and community spaces for free.