Transport of Delight

Early BusTransport to Delight?Transport of Delight

Transport of Delight is the Local History Group’s first topic of 2019; Alan Skinner will give an illustrated talk about Colchester Buses Century of Service.  (Possible spoiler alert below).

The talk takes place at 7:30 pm on 9th January in the Orpen Hall.  Entry from 7 pm and only £2 for members, £4 for visitors.

In West Bergholt, the “bus” service operated from 1904 by Mr Darvill using two horse-drawn carriages from Firmins in Lexden Road.  It was particularly important for villagers during World War 1.  This was replaced by a motor bus service in 1923 operated by Mr F C Heath, Mr Darvill’s stepfather, from the “Depot” now the garage in Colchester Road.   A variety of buses were used but the largest was a 28-seater.

Colchester & The Armistice

The History Group’s last meeting on the 14th November 2018 was their second Bernard Colbron Memorial Lecture.  Local historian Andrew Phillips discussed “Colchester and the Armistice” and over 40 members and visitors listened to Andrew’s well-informed talk.  Attendees learned things about how the First World War affected the population of Colchester that they did not know!

Since that meeting, the History Group has installed names for four footpaths in West Bergholt to mark the centenary of the signing of the Armistice.


Is it possible that the title is drawn from Flanders & Swann?


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