Saying “Yes to Life” – St Mary’s News Update

#Live Lent - Care for God's Creation

#Live Lent - Care for God's CreationSaying “Yes to Life”

This edition of St Mary’s News reports on a course focussed on environmental issues, tidying the churchyard, Rise! world day of prayer, 5Ts Lunch, and also provides listings of services and contacts but first, “Yes to Life”.

Saying “Yes to Life”

Environmental issues are at the forefront of everyone’s minds today.  In our Lent Course for 2020 we will be taking a fresh look at Continue reading “Saying “Yes to Life” – St Mary’s News Update”

St Mary’s Update – 18th February 2018


ButterflySt Mary’s update – 18th February 2018

St Mary’s Church update for 18th February provides listings of services and other events and news.  This update includes Lent Group, Women’s World Day of Prayer, Table Top Sale, a new format for 4th Sunday services and a vacancy for a Church Treasurer.

3 Parishes Lent Group – ‘We Shall Be Changed’

You are warmly invited to join this series of Lent groups on 20th and 27th February, 6th, 13th & 20th March at 8.00pm in St Mary’s Church Hall, West Bergholt.  Lent is more than simply giving up something for a month; it is an opportunity to encounter Continue reading “St Mary’s Update – 18th February 2018”

St Mary’s Easter 2018 Good News Update

Easter 2018St Mary’s Easter 2018 Good News Update

This Easter 2018 edition of Good News, St Mary’s Parish Magazine, is reproduced below (together with additional material from various notices), use the links to the stories & news items.

Life to the Full

How are you doing with your new year’s resolutions? Continue reading “St Mary’s Easter 2018 Good News Update”

St Mary’s Good News Valentine’s Update

Valentine’s Day – Tuesday 14 February
We love because He first loved us – 1 John 4:19

St Mary’s Good News Valentine’s Update

This Valentine’s Day edition of Good News, St Mary’s Parish Magazine, is reproduced below (together with additional material from various notices), use the links to the stories & news items.

Continue reading “St Mary’s Good News Valentine’s Update”

Women’s Institute August 2016 Update

WI-logoWomen’s Institute August 2016 Update

Recent activity in West Bergholt WI

Joint Presidents 2016
Joint Presidents Sheila Boxshall and Manya Barrow

Newly elected joint Presidents are Sheila Boxshall and Manya Barrow. West Bergholt W.I. Membership now stands at 55.

In June, members brought cakes, which they donate once a year to St Helena Hospice, for visitors and patients afternoon teas.  The speaker that month was Sheila Gunson with her talk entitled Continue reading “Women’s Institute August 2016 Update”

Women’s Institute March 2015 Update

WI-logoWI – March 2015 Meeting

Pots, Wellbeing & Gemstones

The president welcomed two visitors and following the business, Susan Leng, handed over the meeting to Roberta Bown who chaired the ‘Member’s Meeting’.  This gave the committee an opportunity to sit back and relax.   Potted plants were presented to them with grateful thanks for all their hard work.

Heather Payne was the speaker, her subject entitled ‘Well Being’.  She also brought along many crystals and explained how they may help people.  Members enjoyed hot cross buns with their tea/coffee.

Social time involved members splitting into groups to make up a verse with a card relating to a gemstone.  The competition was an egg cup with a large variety of styles ranging from china to wood.  A grand raffle followed.

Susan thanked Roberta and her committee for an enjoyable evening.

Women’s Institute January Update

WI meeting December 2014 with flower arrangements

WI Craft with Flowers

The December meeting took on a craft theme. Members were advised by the Colne Valley Flower Club president, Pat Sharman, and with the aid of greenery, decorations and candles, individual Christmas Rings were made.  It was a great success and even the less ‘green fingered’ ladies were pleased with their results.

Members provided savouries for the supper which followed and the evening concluded with a grand raffle so large that everyone received a prize. A fitting end to another enjoyable year.

St PetersburgSt Petersburg

The president welcomed members and a visitor to the January meeting. Following the business, Susan Leng gave a talk on St Petersburg with slides.

The competition was My New Year’s Resolution, which were read out to great amusement and members voted with coins. These were collected for ACWW.  The evening concluded with slides covering our many WI activities during 2014.

More details about the West Bergholt WI are on our webpage.

Women’s Institute November 2014 – January 2015

The WI - Inspiring WomenFrom the Sea to St Petersburgh & back home again

Meeting, as ever, on the first Wednesday of each month (7:15 in the Orpen Hall), the West Bergholt WI welcomes guests many of whom choose to join – indeed a number have joined recently boosting numbership to over 50!  The next two ‘open meetings’ are:

  • November 2014 – “Sea, Songs and Stories” by Jim Lawrence,
  • January 2015 – we will have 2 film shows:
    • “St Petersburgh and its Treasures” and
    • “West Bergholt WI in 2014”.

As well as the regular meetings, every month the WI have a Coffee Morning at the Treble Tile and there is a Play Reading Group, and there’s a Scrabble and Rummikub session every fortnight.

Women’s Institute October 2014 Update

The WI - Inspiring Women

October Fashion Show Attracts over 90

October's meeting was with Edinburgh Woollen Mill fashion showOctober’s WI meeting was an ‘Open Evening’ with the president, Susan Leng, welcoming numerous Womens’ Institutes from the surrounding area.

Many visitors attended forming an audience with our WI of just over ninety ladies.  The fashion show was from Colchester’s Edinburgh Woollen Mill with ten West Bergholt members modelling the Autumn collection which included the makes of Honor Milburn, Country Rose, Isle and EWM.

Each model wore three different sets of garments from skirts and jumpers to jackets and gilets. Our secretary gave the commentary detailing which collection and prices.

Following the show two large rails were wheeled out so everyone could have a closer look.  The guests enjoyed home made refreshments and the evening ended with a grand raffle.  A very successful event.

Women’s Institute February 2014 Update

The WI - Inspiring Women

Magic, Desert Islands & London Guides

December – Magic Marvo

December saw the Women’s Institute’s Christmas meeting.  The president, Susan Leng,   presented a voucher to Marie Louise Fuell who was the 2013 winner of our monthly competition, Hillary Nugent and Manya Barrow were runners up.

The evening continued with a supper provided by the members.   Magic Marvo, a magician, entertained with everyone puzzled  by his clever tricks. The grand raffle enabled everyone to receive a prize.

Later in the month member, Manya Barrow, invited the W I to her house for mulled wine and mince pies with entertainment and Christmas carols which everyone joined in. A convivial afternoon to end the W I year.

January  – Desert Island Discs

In January the vice-president,  Bea Girkin,  welcomed several new members and a guest.  There was no speaker so members brought C D’s to play for  ‘Desert Island Discs’ and talked about the reason for their choice. The competition was a luxury item to take to the Desert Island.  The winner was Mary Brent with her suggestion – a pillow.  Social Time was enjoyed by all with a team word game.

February – Blue Badge London Guide

The president was back in the chair and pleased to see so many new members.  Gary Egerton a blue badge London Guide made a welcome return visit with his talk on Strange and Unknown Facts about London.  Our social time was enjoyed by everyone with slides by the president showing all our varied activities during 2013.

We celebrated our 93rd Birthday Lunch at the Cricketers on 19th February.

The monthly coffee morning at the Treble Tile was well supported with 19 members in attendance.  Play reading afternoons are still flourishing.


Our Open Evening on 2nd April sees the return of Brian Carline, speaker, author and broadcaster.  His talk is entitled ‘An Amusing Account of Life in our Schools’.  Posters with more information will be put up around the village.

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