September Report from Traffic Safety Group

September Report from Traffic Safety Group

The following are the recorded notes from the last group meeting:

West Bergholt Traffic Safety Group

Notes  of meeting held on:- Thursday 28th September  2017

Members present  –  Harry Stone, Gemma Ross, David Short, Jenny Church, Anne Brown

Apologies – Peter Cole, Lewis Barber

Welcome to Anne Brown to this meeting. Continue reading “September Report from Traffic Safety Group”

Thoughtless Parking at Poor’s Land

Notice of Access required

Notice of Access against thoughtless parkersThoughtless Parking at Poor’s Land

Affecting children at Heathlands, Bergholt Heath YFC and the general public at large, thoughtless parking at the Poor’s Land Gate is a problem.  The Parish Council contracts with Countrywide to maintain this land; last week they tried to gain access on 3 occasions but were unable to do so.

Without maintenance the land may cease to be fit for purpose depriving our youth and fellow villagers of a much-loved facility.

No Excuse

With ample parking available at Orpen Hall & Church car parks, all just a short walk, there really is no excuse.

Parking Issues

This is just the latest in a series of parking concerns over the past year or so.  Remember you can help address this by reporting parking, even speeding, issues using Trygve.  This app (iOS or Android), allows you to take a picture, record the location and record details of incidents which are then reviewed.  There is an active group  you can join and see what others are reporting – West Bergholt Road Violations.


Traffic Safety Plan Group Meeting – 2nd February

Traffic Safety Plan Group Meeting – 2nd February

The Traffic Safety Plan Group met on 2nd February and continued discussions on a range of actions and initiatives including trygve, yellow lines, parking opportunities, clearer signs/roadside furniture and progress on the upcoming workshop event on 25th February.

West Bergholt Traffic Safety Plan Group

Notes of meeting held on Thursday 2nd February 2017

Members present:- Lewis Barber, Chris Stevenson, Harry Stone Gemma Ross, Jenny Church, Jeffrey Martin Continue reading “Traffic Safety Plan Group Meeting – 2nd February”

5 Es to Address Traffic Safety

5 Es to Address Traffic Safety

Illegally Parked Vehicle

Responding to concerns about traffic related safety issues in the village, the Parish Council has helped to form a group whose brief is to explore ways of addressing these concerns.  This group consists of Parish Councillors, Borough Councillors and residents who want to help bring about improvements; since September it has met three times.

As a starting point, the Village Safety Plan of 2012, which led to changes in New Church Road, has been revisited.  As then, no single measure will solve all our problems, and so an approach, which is termed the 5 Es, is being followed.

  1. Engage the community
  2. Encourage good driving and parking
  3. Educate all sections of the community
  4. Enforce the regulations
  5. Engineer revised road layouts

All need careful thought and cooperation to achieve, with 4E and 5E being most difficult and needing most time; however we have made a start.

On 25th February in the Orpen Hall a safety promotional event is being planned and will be advertised fully in the New Year, so please look out for details and make every effort to attend.

Reporting bad & illegal practices on Trygve
Reporting bad & illegal practices on Trygve


Following increased activity on Facebook about 30 residents have already downloaded an App called Trygve.  This gives you the chance to report incidents, with photographs if appropriate, and will:

  • give the authorities the means to identify persistent safety abusers, and
  • enable the group to collect evidence to support action at the most dangerous hotspots.

That being so, if you feel able, please sign up to join those already giving their support using this link.


The team are also establishing good communications with the School, hence parents, and there are plans to engage other key players such as the Coop.

If you have ideas to help, or would like more information, please contact the group through the Parish Clerk, Laura Walkinshaw, on 240772 or [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].

Harry Stone
(Vice Chair of Parish Council)

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