September Report from Traffic Safety Group
The following are the recorded notes from the last group meeting:
West Bergholt Traffic Safety Group
Notes of meeting held on:- Thursday 28th September 2017
Members present – Harry Stone, Gemma Ross, David Short, Jenny Church, Anne Brown
Apologies – Peter Cole, Lewis Barber
Welcome to Anne Brown to this meeting.
- Matters arising from last meeting
- Trygve continues to monitor drivers parking illegally. Commercial drivers have been reported to the companies with positive response. Enforcement for private drivers is a problem. Anne Browne suggested we could contact Councillor Robert Mitchell who is chair of NEPP.
- Proposal to have a Special Constable for the village. Anne suggested to contact Jane Gardner, Assistant Crime Commissioner, for advice.
- Also invite our Speed Watch Team to our next meeting.
- Cleaning Zebra crossing – this has been logged with EEC – not a priority. Anne suggested to contact Joe Hazelton, LHP Liaison Officer, who is now responsible for the Rangers.
- Speed sensor in Lexden Road – raised at LHP meeting. Apparently the battery needs replacing. Approval was given at that meeting to repair our VAS and it is hoped to be done before the winter.
- 30mph signs on Bures Road – to ask zone wardens to clear overhanging foliage. Lewis is following this up.
- 4 School buses parking in mornings in Lexden Road opposite Hall Rd create a traffic hazard – Laura will contact ECC at the start of new school year. Anne suggested to contact Joe Hazelton LHP liaison Officer or Adrian Summons who is responsible for Bus Stops.
- Proposal to purchase more banners – Harry to discuss with the school about banner design and talk to Laura about purchasing more banners.
Harry to ask head teacher if a school governor would be willing to join this group. - Parking space behind pharmacy – a letter has been sent from the Parish Council to Mr Patel.
- Awaiting report from Lewis regarding proposal for phased speed limits before entrance to village on Colchester Road and Bures Road.
- Ask Speed Watch team to check traffic approaching village from Bures Road.
- Plans are in hand to move the bus stop on Colchester Road towards town (just down from Ash’s Store) to grass verge in front of Maltings site – hopefully with a bus shelter.
- Discussed proposal for raised table at Zebra crossing opposite Coop. Anne Brown thought this could prove difficult to achieve. Advice could be gained from LHP re traffic calming around the Coop.
- Suggest when time is right to request another VAS to face traffic coming down the road from Bures Road.
- Parking monitoring. We need a register of volunteers who are prepared to join the team. Gemma to contact Dave Kingaby to put something on the website and use Facebook to recruit new volunteers.
- A letter has been sent to John Henry to ask for a community donation following all the disruption in the village. No response. David will organise for a similar letter to go to Virgin.
- There is the chance to apply for funding before the end of October – need to speak to John Gili Ross soonest.
Date of next meeting – to be arranged.