Thoughtless Parking at Poor’s Land

Notice of Access against thoughtless parkersThoughtless Parking at Poor’s Land

Affecting children at Heathlands, Bergholt Heath YFC and the general public at large, thoughtless parking at the Poor’s Land Gate is a problem.  The Parish Council contracts with Countrywide to maintain this land; last week they tried to gain access on 3 occasions but were unable to do so.

Without maintenance the land may cease to be fit for purpose depriving our youth and fellow villagers of a much-loved facility.

No Excuse

With ample parking available at Orpen Hall & Church car parks, all just a short walk, there really is no excuse.

Parking Issues

This is just the latest in a series of parking concerns over the past year or so.  Remember you can help address this by reporting parking, even speeding, issues using Trygve.  This app (iOS or Android), allows you to take a picture, record the location and record details of incidents which are then reviewed.  There is an active group  you can join and see what others are reporting – West Bergholt Road Violations.


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