Premises & Recreation – 3rd September 2018

Premises & Recreation – 3rd September 2018

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 3rd September when, among other items, they discussed storage, MUGA, roofing, new CCTV, rubbish bins, village fete, online hall bookings, Village Bulletin, hire rates & the Lorkin Daniell field.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Committee Meeting held on 3rd September 2018 in John Lampon Hall

Committee members present:

Brian Butcher, Murray Harlow, Bob Tyrrell, Jenny Church

Also in attendance:

 Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk), Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)




Janet Crichton and Harry Stone  


Minutes of the last meeting on 2nd July 2018 were agreed.

BB noted the issue MP brought up about concreting outside “their” storage unit and that it is now a matter of urgency to get this matter dealt with.  Mick Bell from the Football Club had mentioned the soil heap that was left against the Clubhouse, when the Handymen were undertaking the works, that this is covering the dampcourse and may rot to Clubhouse.  All to be brought to Environments attention. BB


Village Fete Sub Committee

this item was brought forward so that LW could leave early.  LW has banked some money and there is still more to come in.  Overall it was a success and thanked everyone involved.  A debrief will take place on 4th October 2018 8pm in the John Lampon Hall – this will be advertised and everyone welcome.  It was suggested that the tug of war teams need to be made in advance. LW


Clerks and Administration’s Report

3.1 MUGA  – MH will chase quotes for resurfacing and bring them to the next meeting.  VBC will chase the tennis coaches for their opinion on the surface. BB  mentioned that there were cracks appearing on the righthand corner of the tennis court, which might need more urgent attention than resurfacing. VBC mentioned that during the summer holidays a replacement padlock was purchased as the existing padlock went missing. MH/VBC
3.2 Roofing – Now that Ingleton Wood have been appointed BB is arranging a meeting face to face to show them around the hall, discuss the works etc. BB
3.3 Handyman Schedule: VBC expressed concern that she did not have the support of the Handymen during the Summer Holidays even though she had contacted JGR and met up with them to discuss the jobs that required attention.  VBC proposed that the Hall needs their “own” Handyman – this was agreed and VBC will speak with LW to discuss chargeout rate and proposed that Ivor Beckwith-Cole be approached to be used on an ad-hoc basis. VBC/LW
3.4 Mobile Phone – VBC confirmed mobile phone is up and running and a great help to her role.  
3.5 CCTV – all up and running well – waiting on manual, quote for annual maintenance and an adjustment on the rear camera.  It was suggested that as the new system is working well to slowly add the old system onto the new system. VBC
3.6 Rubbish Bin Area – This was practically completed over the summer holiday.  There is still ironmongery to be finished off.  VBC mentioned misuse of the bin area with people throwing rubbish over – this will be kept underview and in the future the bin store may need to be higher.   In the meantime a notice to be placed stating CCTV in the area.  A padlock has now been put on the front doors and all necessary people advised of the code.  The brick structure by the new bin store is now surplus to use by Premises and would ask the Environment committee to use or dispose of. BT /Env Cmt
3.7 Website – LW and VBC have been working on the new system during the summer holidays.  There are a few teething problems and it was suggested that LW will contact the Clerk at Coggeshall who uses a similar on line system to guide us through, if they are unable to help then DK to come up and go through the system with us.  Still looking at September to go live. LW/DK/VBC
3.8 Hall Border tidying – VBC to chase quotes from IMB.  VBC suggested that the hall borders on the tennis court side could be turned into a seating area for Social Club use – this item to go on the Agenda at the next PC/SC meeting. It was mentioned that at the same time as tidying up the borders that the ramp by the double doors that lead onto the field be “levelled off”. VBC/PC &SC
3.9 Curtains – All in hand and being delivered middle of September.  IMB will hang up. VBC


Hire Costs/Poor Land User

A memorandum of understanding has been drawn up and will be sent out to all those concerned.  The allotment agreement still needs to be finalized.  HS will bring up at the next allotment meeting. HS


Hall User Group

Minutes were distributed out prior to the meeting.  VBC to ask Zoe whether she is able to clean the grey chairs that are stored in the upstairs room so that they can be used.  The next meeting will be on 15th November.  BB was emailed with suggested replacement chair details and this will be discussed at the next Hall User meeting. VBC


Premises License

The following have applied for sale of alcohol – Nothing this month  


Next month’s noteworthy hirings

16th September – there will be a charity walk in the village with the village hall being the base.  VBC also mentioned that a user would like to have go karts next year and whether these can go on the field.  VBC said that it is still the football season so they will not be allowed on the marked out pitch.  VBC to obtain further information and report back. VBC


Communication Officers Report

  Village Bulletin will be out in September.  Conversation was had about new ideas and the future of it and the set up of the VB Committee – this will be brought up at the next meeting. MH/VBC


Draft Rules and Regulations for the Lorkin Daniell Field

  The rules and regulations are ongoing and with HS. MH received a quote and said that a sign can be done within budget.  MH to get further information on it and send it to BB. MH


Items to be discussed at next meeting

As above  

Meeting closed at 8.50 pm

Date of next meeting – 1st October 2018 – 7.30 pm John Lampon Hall





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