Borough Councillors, Marcus Harrington & Dennis Willetts yesterday sent the following to residents of Valley Crescent:
The potholes at the junction of Valley Crescent and Chapel Lane have been a cause of anger and frustration for many months. Many of you have reported them through the proper on-line method on the Essex County Council website. Many of you have also reported them to us and we have both been in constant communication with ECC’ s Highways Department about them.
We agree the situation is unacceptable. Potholes of this dimension cannot be left for such a long time without repair. We have made our feelings abundantly clear.
As Colchester Borough Councillors we cannot do more than apply pressure. The responsibility for pothole repair does not lie with our Council. We have, however, also offered to repair the potholes ourselves but that offer fell on deaf ears.
Finally some hope is on the horizon and this is the reason for writing. We have been faithfully informed by Essex County Council’s Highways Department that repair of these potholes will be part of a wider programme of road surface repair in West Bergholt which should be completed by the end of March 2013. We want to let you know of this commitment arid hope you share some hope with us, even though it would take a brave man to put his mortgage on it!
With best wishes,
Cllr Marcus Harrington
Cllr Dennis Willetts
If you are plagued by potholes (or any of a wide range of Highways problems – see picture above) then don’t forget you can report them directly to Essex County Council’s Highway’s Department using their website.