Planning & Development Committee – 15th April 2024

Planning imagined by AI in style of Van Gogh to use on 15th April 2024 minutes

Meeting on 15th April 2024, the Planning & Development Committee reviewed some actions from the March minutes before considering planning applications.

The committee supported 2 (Cooks Hall Road & Colchester Road), objected to 1 (in Wormingford but impacting West Bergholt) & commented on 2 (Armoury Road & Nayland Road).

Read the official minutes below:

Planning and Development Committee Meeting

Meeting held on Monday 15th April 2024 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.

The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement, the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, Government National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and CBC Planning Policies when commenting on individual applications.

Planning Committee Members:

Cllrs Bob Tyrrell (Chair), Sara Cullis (Vice Chair), Andrew Savage, Brian Butcher, Paul Chamberlain

Also in attendance:

Julie Gillott (Asst Clerk).

Agenda items:

1.   Welcome & Apologies for absence:

No apologies

2.   Declarations of interest:


3.   Minutes & actions from previous meeting

The Assistant Clerk has emailed Sandra Scott (Place Strategy Manager) at Colchester County Council twice requesting a meeting to discuss CCC Call For Sites. We are still waiting for a confirmed date to meet.

Action: Councillor Brian Butcher will contact Karen Syrett (Joint Head Of Planning) at CCC to see if the meeting could be arranged as soon as possible.

4.   Public participation and to receive any pre-application representations.

No public attendance

5.   Planning applications:

240565  Old Rectory Lodge, Cooks Hall Road, CO6 3EX

Replacement of existing house with annexe to replace detached garage.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support the application subject to approval being conditional on the annexe only being used solely by people associated with, and users of, the main dwelling, and that it is not sold or let separately to the applicant’s main property.

Decision: Support

240651  Land south of West Bergholt Cricket Club, Colchester Road, 

Application for approval of reserved matters following outline   approval 201686 – erection of 18no. dwellings.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to Support the application, subject to the application being fully in accordance with the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan.

Decision: Support

6.   Planning Conditions applications, for information only:

240564Armoury Road, West Bergholt 8/4/2024
240639CSH Environmental Ltd, Greenacres, Packards Lane, Wormingford CO6 3AH16/4/2024
240574157 Hill House Farm, Hill House Barn, Colchester Road, West Bergholt CO6 3JX9/4/2024
230596Scarletts Quality Plants, Nayland Road, West Bergholt16/4/2024

240564 Armoury Road, West Bergholt

Application to discharge condition 8 (WSI)of 180733 approved under appeal reference APP/A1530/W/18/3211685

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided that we defer to the knowledge of the Colchester City Council Planners as to whether this discharge condition has been complied with.

240639   CSH Environmental Ltd, Greenacres, Packards Lane, Wormingford CO6 3AH

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to object to this application.

West Bergholt Parish Council have serious concerns regarding the alarming request to increase heavy goods traffic. Although this application falls within the bailiwick of Wormingford Parish Council it nevertheless has a negative impact on our village and its resident population, therefore West Bergholt Parish Council consider it necessary that the views of our Parish are also taken into the decision-making process.  There are concerns that the noise/disturbance that will be created by increasing the movements will impact on the residents as the vehicles traverse the already severely damaged roads.

The existing movements as they stand should not be changed for the benefit of CSH and to the detriment of the residents, therefore West Bergholt Parish Council object to this Planning Application.

Decision: Object

240574 157 Hill House Farm, Hill House Barn, Colchester Road, CO6 3JX

Application to discharge condition 4 (materials), 5 (brick details), and 6 (window details) of planning permission 232194

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided not to comment.

230596  Scarletts Quality Plants, Nayland Road, West Bergholt

Outline application for the phased development of up to 12 self-build and custom housebuilding plots with all matters reserved except for access.

ACTION: A letter will be drafted to send to the Planning Inspectorate by the deadline date 14th May 2024.

7. Planning Decisions:

232259Land adj, Armoury Road, West Bergholt16/10/23ObjectionApplication for approval of details reserved by condition 5 (APP/A1530/W/18/3211685) (180733)21/3/24Approved

8. Date of next meeting:

The next Planning Committee meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 13th May in the John Lampon Hall, Lexden Road, CO6 3BW.

The meeting closed at: 8.20pm

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