Test your memory with a quiz at Orpen Hall

The Friends of St Mary’s Old Church are holding a quiz at Orpen Hall on 8th October. All funds raised will go towards the continued upkeep of the Old Church. Renovations have gone well but more remains to be done so the more you raise the closer we get.
Why not call your friends now!
The Details
- Teams of up to 6.
- £5 entry per team member.
- Doors open at 7 pm for a 7:30 start.
- It’s at the Orpen Hall.
- Bring your own nibbles and drinks.
- Contact Beverley Kettell for tickets:
- 01206 240512, or
- [email protected].
The Friends work supplements the support of national charity, The Churches Conservation Trust (CCT), which is responsible for the preservation of this and over 350 other redundant churches in England.
Mini Twentieth Century History Quiz For Fun
This does not necessarily represent the difficulty of the quiz on the night – it’s just a random pub quiz round the webmaster found online.
- James Earl Ray was responsible for who’s death in 1968?
- Who created havoc in 1938, when his radio broadcast of “The War Of The Worlds” was believed to be true?
- Which major British newspaper closed down for almost a year in 1978?
- What were Benjy and Laska, which were sent into space in 1958?
- Who was the biggest selling female artist in America in the 1990s?
- Which British monarch was on the throne at the beginning of the 20th Century?
- Which American President saw active service in both the first and second World Wars?
- Why was Louise Brown famous in 1978?
- In what year was London due to host the Olympic Games, but couldn’t because of the Second World War?
- Which three films did Steven Spielberg direct that were among the top ten highest grossing films of the 20th century?
Click to the next page for the answers.
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