Gladman Appeal Petition – Make An Impact

Map subject of Gladman Appeal
Click for online petition

Gladman Appeal Petition

The Gladman Appeal hearing is starting at on Tuesday 14th May in the Council Chambers.  If you oppose this unwelcome development then please help in the following ways:

Sign Online Petition

Cllr Lewis Barber has set up an online petition for you to sign up to.  The petition says:

We, the undersigned, oppose application 173127 for up to 97 homes and support the rejection of appeal APP/A1530/W/18/3207626 by Gladman.

This application and appeal is contrary to West Bergholt’s Neighbourhood Plan and the Borough’s current and emerging local plan. It is also contrary to Colchester Borough Council’s planning policies such as, but not limited to, ENV1.

You can access the online petition here. Or

Sign Hard Copy Petition

Hard copies of the petition are available for signing in:

  • The Co-op (by the PO Counter),
  • West Bergholt Pharmacy, and
  • Scissorhands.

But Definitely Come to the Hearing – Make a BIG Impact

Please make the point that the village is united in rejecting this proposal – the more the merrier.  The Public Enquiry is expected to last up to 4 days and local Parish Councillors and Borough Councillors will play their part but would welcome your support.    Basically, they want as many of you as possible to descend on the Council Chambers at 10 am on 14th May to show that the village is fully behind their councillors in supporting the Neighbourhood Plan against opportunistic developments.



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