Neighbourhood Plan Submitted for Ratification

Neighbourhood Plan Submitted for Ratification

West Bergholt submitted its final draft Neighbourhood Plan to Colchester Borough Council for ratification in late December last year.  This followed endorsement of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group’s proposals by the Parish Council at its November meeting.

The latest version incorporates feedback received during our consultation with the community in June.   As Planning Authority the Borough Council is now commencing the statutory ‘Regulation 16 consultation’ which will close on 5th March.

The Neighbourhood Plan and submission documents are available on the CBC website; the site also has details of how to respond, should you wish to do so, here.  We are hopeful that the plan will pass its final statutory stages later this year.  This will include an examination by a government planning inspector and a Parish referendum.

The Parish Council and the NP Steering Group would like to thank everyone for their support in getting the NP to this stage.


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