Farm, Food & People

Oak Tree Farm, Food & PeopleFarm, Food & People

“Farm, Food & People” is Stuart Gough’s topic at the next Gardeners’ Association meeting on 15th October.  Stuart is from The Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm which is a Community Supported Agricultural (CSA) Scheme.  CSAs bring farms and local communities closer together to provide mutual benefits and reconnect people to the land where their food is grown.  

CSA schemes have been popular in the USA and Japan for many years, and are now growing in the UK.  Oak Tree was the first Community Supported Agriculture Farm in Suffolk.  Members of the scheme enjoy a weekly supply of ultra-fresh vegetables from the farm which are grown without the use of artificial fertilisers or pesticides. The harvest is shared out equally between members each week.

The Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm is in the parish of Rushmere St Andrew to the East of Ipswich and they often arrange visitor events.

All Welcome

Everybody is welcome to attend at 7:30 pm in Orpen Hall. Visitors on the night can pay £3, club membership is available for £12 a year (September to August).  There will also be refreshments and a raffle.

Any enquiries please contact the club on 01206 241256 or email [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].


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