Environment & Highways – 8th February 2018

Environment & Highways – 8th February 2018

The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 8th February and discussed progress made on a range of issues such as tree maintenance, gorse clearance, village ponds, signs to deter HGVs in Argents Lane, bus parking, flooding and an Eco-survey.

Environment & Highways Report

Sub-committee Meeting held on Thurs 8th February 2018 in Orpen Hall

Sub-committee members present Philip Spencer, Murray Harlow, David Short, Janet Crichton, Jenny Church.
Apologies John Gili Ross, Harry Stone.



Items from Last Meeting

 a) Repair of Duck House roof on hold until weather improves.
 b) Practice goal. Sportsafe have assessed for safety – we await a report. A longer area of astroturf is needed to make the kicking area safe. At least 2 quotes should be requested for this. One quote from Sportsafe so far. Murray to follow this up and get second quote. Propose to ask Handy man to fill the dangerous holes at the end of the existing astro-turf where it is worn to make it safer at the moment. MH
 c) Playground equipment – Matting needs replacing when weather permits. Handymen
 d) Steps to church need attention when weather permits. Handymen
 e) Wooden barrier to heath has been reshaped and hawthorn shrubs planted behind. Propose to install barrier similarly on the other side of the entrance.
 f) Harry to liaise with Forest school teacher (Catherine Lewis) to ask children to water newly planted hawthorn behind barrier once a week. HS
 g) Ride-on mower and hedge cutter have been serviced. DONE


Handymen Work Report

 a) One cherry tree at the front of the Orpen Hall has been cut down as it was rotten. DONE
 b) The Orpen Players have requested that draft excluder be put on bottom of garage door – carried out by handymen. DONE
 c) Matt to cut shrubs and shred at back of football club.


Winter projects

 a) Heather on Heath. Area of gorse cleared. DONE
 b) Suggest erect chestnut fencing to surround the gorse for protection. Handymen
 c) Branches and twigs on LD field need clearing when weather permits.
 d) Tree survey – Phil has acquired 3 – 4 quotes for surveying all trees on Parish council land. Suggest we go for the cheapest quote. This will need to go to the Finance Committee. PS


Update on village ponds

 a) The work organised for TCV has been completed. All expressed dismay that all trees growing in the island of Lexden Road pond have been cut down, including the silver birch which we had specifically requested to be left in situ. Nicola Downs has apologised for the mistake. We hope the tree will spring into life again. DONE
 b) Propose to get some quotes locally for pond clearing next year. Suggest TLC, Norhurst and Oakview Landscapes. David will do this. DS
 c) All the spoil from the ponds has been removed by Norhurst. The spoil at Hall Road pond will be removed by Seven Arches Farm when weather permits.
 d) The willow tree by Queens Road pond has been lowered and trimmed by TLC. DONE


Road signage for Argents Lane

Signs showing “not suitable for HGVs” for top and bottom of Argents Lane have been ordered by David. Awaiting delivery. DS


Flooding at School Gateway.

Handymen could do some clearing. Ask John to investigate the problem. It is thought the camber on the road is wrong to allow drainage into the ditch. JGR


Eco-survey of Heath

Agreed at Trustee meeting after last PC meeting. This will be done in June/July. PS



 a) Problem parking around John Lampon Close. David and Harry have spoken to some residents about the problem. It would seem that double yellow lines would help their problem but would probably only shift the parking problem elsewhere. David will investigate double yellow lines. DS
 b) School buses parking in Lexden Road, opposite Hall Road – an accident waiting to happen. Have asked Laura to write to Anne Brown with photo of the problem. Laura
 c) Hedge strimmer attachment for the Stihl implement (part of the original order) to be purchased from Doe’s. PS
Date of next meeting – Thursday 8th March 2018 5.30pm, Orpen Hall


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