Highlights of Environment & Highways Meeting on 13th October 2022

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 13th October 2022 with topics including:
- Restoring wooden benches & other handymen activities,
- Hedge trimming and access requirements,
- Christmas tree,
- New Friendly Bench near the Scout Hut,
- Budget planning,
- Ponds low due to the dry summer.
Environment Committee Minutes
Meeting held on Thurs 13th October 2022 at 4.00pm in the SC Mtg Room
Members present: | John Gili-Ross (JGR) – Chairman, David Short (DS), Harry Stone (HS), James Owers (JO), Katie Pulford (KP) and Manya Barrow (MB) |
Others: | None |
Apologies: | None |
1. Handymen update
It has been a quiet summer with little grass cutting. JGR explained that the work of the team normally includes jobs such as cutting back dangerous trees and rust treatment on the truck, for example.
The wooden benches by the football pitch are to be restored.
An email concerning a tree in the hedge of a property in Newbridge Hill was discussed. It was considered to be the property owner’s responsibility but as one lower branch could cause a problem and bearing in mind the situation of the owners, with their permission we will take it down if it is not subject to a TPO. This is being checked. DS will take delivery of the main branch once foliage has been removed.
2. Annual Hedge Trimming
DS has met with the contractor and the work will be carried out during the week of 24th Oct. A mower will be used on the heath under clear directions concerning the heather. The level of the hedge around the Lorkin Daniell Field was discussed. The back of this hedge may need to be finished off by the Handymen, involving entering the properties in Henderson Close. A sweeper will be booked after the cut to clear the pathways of thorns.
3.Highways Devolution Project
The project has concluded and the report to Essex County Council sent.
4. Christmas Tree
JO expected to purchase a 10ft tree (as per last year) for about £60 and the Handymen will install it. Various ways of securing the tree were discussed. The resident who organised the tree last year is to be approached concerning the decoration. The Queen’s Head has agreed to sponsor the tree if permission is granted for at tree at the public house. This was agreed.
5. Friendly Bench by Scout Hut
The orientation of this bench had been agreed and the committee saw no reason to question this. It was noted that the PC Chair is planning to respond to the complaint received by email.
6. Budget Planning
Details will follow at a subsequent meeting, but it is anticipated that the budget will increase to cover the loss of the Devo Project funding (£2200). Also, an increase in salaries will need to be covered. KP asked if we had considered all the grants that we might tap into.
The Council’s Responsible Finance Officer is to be invited to the next meeting.
7. Winter Salt
Sufficient salt is in store from previous years so no more was ordered. HS will contact volunteers to check on their availability. Salt will be distributed by the Handymen to key areas later in November.
Through Lewis Barber, CBC should be asked to look at the state of the WB Surgery car park.
8. Ponds
All 3 are looking sad due to lack of water. Volunteers worked on Hall Road and pulled out some reeds by hand. Queens Road is low, so foliage is taking over. Reeds can now be removed while the level is low. DS is to check with a contractor on the price for a light removal of reeds and their disposal. The plan to spray a third each year is to continue.
9. Date of next meeting
The next Environment Committee meeting will be held at 5pm on Thursday 10th November 2022 in the Social Club Meeting Room, Orpen Memorial Hall, Lexden Road, CO6 3BW.