Environment & Highways 11th November 2021

Highlights of Environment & Highways Meeting on 11th November 2021


The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 11th November 2021 with topics including:

  • Handymen dealing with activities such as fallen branch, to reviewing drainage issues,
  • Potential work on ponds,
  • Hopkins Home offer of land,
  • Orpen Hall trees, &
  • Parking in Colchester Road.

Environment & Highways Committee Report

Committee Meeting held on Thurs 11th November 2021 in the Social Club meeting room

Members present: –  John Gili-Ross (Chairman), Harry Stone, Jenny Church.

Apologies: –   Phil Spencer, Norma Smith, David Short.

1.    Handymen report

Handyman continues with grass cutting and mowing.

Fallen branch from tree at the corner of Colchester and Armoury dealt with by handyman.

Footway along Colchester Road to Hall Road will be repaired by Essex County Highways.

Argents Lane to be reviewed.

Drainage problems at the corner of Whitehouse Lane and Colchester Road inspected for flooding issues – Highways being asked to clear the gullies in the area.

E&H recommend the appointment of a new candidate as the third handyman.

ECC devolved work continues.

2.    Village Ponds

All village ponds are fairly full at this time.

ART – Abberton Rural Training based in Wormingford will be contacted regarding undertaking some work on the ponds.

3.    Strip of land on Hopkins Home building site adjacent to Colchester Rd

The recommendation from the committee is not to accept the offer of this strip of land.

4.    Trees at front of Orpen Hall

It has been decided that TLC will carry out the work of removing the cherry trees at the front of the Orpen Hall.

PS has proposed that the replacement trees should be Holm Oaks and would be pleached and kept to a reasonable height.

5.    Mumford Oak Green

Pathway between Mumford Oak Green and the LD Playing Field to be levelled.

6.    Parking of cars on Colchester Road

Bergholt Heath Football Club uses the Poor’s Land for their games. Parking occurs on Colchester Road. Harry proposed they could place a small sign on the small gate to the northwest of the field onto Colchester Road warning to be careful. This was agreed.

Date of next meeting will be in January

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