Environment & Highways Meeting Held on 11th March 2021
The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 11th March 2021 and discussed:
Cooks Hall Road,
Update on ponds,
Playground access path,
Strategic Environmental Plan,
Playground equipment, and
Handymen report.
Environment & Highways Report
Committee Meeting held on Thursday 11th March 2021 via Zoom.
Committee members
John Gili Ross, Phil Spencer, Harry Stone, David Short, Norma Smith, Jenny Church.
Handymen Report
Litter picking has been carried out by Matt.
David and Nigel have repaired the signpost at junction of Hall Road and Lexden Road. Metal supports have been added to make the post secure again. The sign needs cleaning and painting.
Pond work and hedge work continues.
The car needs attention including the exhaust needs and potentially the tracking – will be taken to the garage to assess needs and cost.
David will finish at the end of this month but is prepared to do “as and when” if required.
Litter picking is required down at the “blue bridge” Norma will discuss with Laura and litter picking volunteers.
Village Ponds
Hall Road pond is very full of weeds and edges need clearing.
Lexden Road pond is very full. Discuss implementing a “board walk” area. There is room for a bench at the side.
Queen’s Road pond – the new hedging has been replanted on the far side of the pond 1 meter in front of the wall.
Cooks Hall Road
There is a spread of brambles coming from the hedge. This is the responsibility of the Parish Council not the householders. David and John will investigate to assess what needs to be done.
Playground access Path
The contractors have built the pathway and it looks fine.
Some “making good” and tidying up will be needed. Stones along the side need raking and removing.
Playground equipment
Harry proposed to contact a few interested villagers to form a committee to decide what is wanted or needed for the future.
Strategic environmental Plan
Phil proposed that we need to assess the flora and fauna within the village ponds. Essex Wildlife Trust could be contacted for information and advice.
New storage unit and groundworks.
John is proposing to increase storage areas by using land at the rear of the current lockups. Need to assess the required budget for this.