Day 35 of Lockdown – the Ukulele edition

Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain in LockdownDay 35 of Lockdown

No news over the weekend and precious little on day 35 but here it comes after an explainer; why is this the Ukulele edition?

Perhaps you, like me (webmaster), has had enough spare time to explore parts of the internet I had not seen before.   On one of my explorations, I came across the magnificently named Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.  I’ve embedded below a couple of their recent COVID-19 videos, if you explore their YouTube Channel you will find them as comically adept as they are musically.  If you found anything online others might be interested to hear about, share it in comments on Facebook.

Now to the pieces of news about the upcoming PC meeting and maintaining fitness during the lockdown.

PC on ZoomParish Council goes Zooming

The next Parish Council meeting on Wednesday will be conducted using Zoom Videoconferencing.  You can find the Agenda here; if you want to attend you will need to contact the Parish Clerk by email to get the link.

Keeping Active

Although the government has said it’s important for us to have regular activity, social distancing restrictions remain in place.  Active Essex is, therefore, continuing to support people in staying active safely during the lockdown. The “Keep Essex Active” campaign has over 50 ideas and resources for people to stay well and active at home.

Active Essex has created a new Livestream YouTube channel featuring live and FREE online workouts throughout the day.  Top local instructors deliver the live sessions; they feature a range of activities to suit everyone, from high-intensive, to Yoga, to seated exercise, to football drills and karate.

The daily live sessions also include sessions in meditation, breathing, and personal wellbeing. The Livestream videos will be saved on the YouTube channel if you are unable to make the session.

Essex Live Activity Schedule

The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain

Since this is a short ‘edition’ I’ve included two videos to enjoy.



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