Dancing With Parkinson’s
If you are living with Parkinson’s either yourself or a good friend or partner, the Dance Network Association are offering a number of Dance sessions between now & Christmas.
Research from Parkinson’s UK estimates that there are around 145,000 people in the UK living with Parkinson’s. By 2025, this is expected to rise to around 168,000. 1 in 37 people alive today will be diagnosed with the disease in their lifetime. Exercise has shown to be very beneficial for people living with Parkinson’s; to manage or potentially slow the progress of physical symptoms and to help other associated symptoms such as mental health.
The Dancing with Parkinson’s programme offers dance and movement sessions to those with Parkinson’s Disease and their partners, friends and carers. They are proud that this programme not only delivers high-quality dance to participants, it also allows their loved ones to experience it alongside them.
Classes in the Colchester Area
The classes cost £4 per participant and friend/family member/carer together – this helps cover costs. Upcoming sessions run between 14:30 – 16:00 on the following Wednesdays/venues:
- 11th September – Colchester Castle Museum, Castle Park, Colchester CO1 1TJ,
- 25th September – William Loveless Hall, High Street, Wivenhoe CO7 9AB,
- 9th October – Colchester Castle Museum, Castle Park, Colchester CO1 1TJ,
- 23rd October – William Loveless Hall, High Street, Wivenhoe CO7 9AB,
- 13th November – Colchester Castle Museum, Castle Park, Colchester CO1 1TJ,
- 27th November – William Loveless Hall, High Street, Wivenhoe CO7 9AB,
- 11th Devember – William Loveless Hall, High Street, Wivenhoe CO7 9AB.
To book your place or to find out more information, email [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”] or call 07490 374 717.
Dancing with Parkinson’s is run with generous support from:
- Colchester Castle,
- Alderman Terry Sutton,
- Councillors Simon Crow, Helen Chuah, Phil Coleman and
- Mayor & Mayoress Cope.