Change at St Mary’s
It’s all about change in this edition of St Mary’s News, it also provides listings of services and contacts.
Change in the Church Office
Liz Dixon will be retiring from the role of 3 Parishes Church Administrator from 1st October but we are pleased to announce the appointment of her successor. Rev Mandy Elmes tells us more.
I am delighted to say that we have appointed Janine Wilde as our new 3 Parishes’ Administrator, subject to the receipt of the necessary references and safeguarding checks. Janine has a wide range of experience from Post Mistress, through to Families and Children’s Worker and Mid-day and teaching assistant. I am sure she will be a real blessing to all 3 parishes. She and her family are actively involved in St Luke’s Church at Highwoods.
Janine was part of a joint project between St Luke’s and the Great Horkesley Churches whereby folk from St Luke’s were ‘grafted’ on to All Saints’ & St John’s Churches for a year, which was a real blessing to Great Horkesley.
Assuming all the appropriate checks are completed, Janine will start in the office on Mon 9th Sept, so that she can overlap with me for a week before I have my knee surgery, and then have 2 weeks with Liz still in post so that she can ‘learn the ropes’.
We welcome Janine and look forward to working with her.
Thank You to Liz Dixon
It has been my privilege to work with Liz as 3 Parishes Church Administrator since the role was created 4 years ago, during which time she has been a huge blessing to myself and the 3 parishes. In addition to doing all that was asked of her in the original job description, she has flourished and expanded the job. We are very grateful for all she has done for us in such a gracious and open-handed way.
We shall miss Liz as our 3 Parishes Administrator but the good news is that we shall continue to see her in our midst as she has been accepted by the Diocese to be trained as a Licensed Lay Minister. This is a 3-year training course at the end of which she will be licensed to do a variety of things including preach, lead worship or small group work and assist with mission, evangelism and pastoral work. We wish Liz well in her new venture.
Other New Team Members
Revd Anne Mason—New Assistant Curate
Anne has just completed her Diploma in Theology and will be ordained as a Deacon at Chelmsford Cathedral on Sat 14th September. She belongs to St Luke’s Church at Highwoods but has been worshipping at Great Horkesley for the past year as part of a joint project between St Luke’s and Great Horkesley Churches. We are delighted to announce that Anne will be Assistant Curate to St Luke’s and also to Rev. Mandy’s three parishes, which includes St Mary’s, West Bergholt. To celebrate her new role, St Mary’s will be joining with Great Horkesley Churches for a special joint service on Sun 15 Sept @ 11.15am at St John’s Church.
Anne brings a wealth of experience in Christian Service to her new role as curate. She is married to Tim and has 5 grown up children and 9 grandchildren with whom she loves spending time.
Joy Budden—New Lay Reader
We are also very pleased to welcome Joy Budden as a Lay Reader with Permission to Officiate. She recently moved to West Bergholt from Carlisle where she was a licensed reader and has now transferred her licence to enable her to continue to serve as a Lay Reader in West Bergholt.
Services & Other Dates
All events are at St Mary’s unless stated otherwise. Kids’ Church is our new form of Sunday school for children. Note, no Evening Prayer Service during winter months.
- Priest in Charge:
Rev Dr Mandy Elmes, 1 Church Close, CO6 3JZ
email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]
tel: 01206 240906. - Assistant Curate:Anne Mason
email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]. - Church Wardens:
Sue Day—01206 241040;
Ron Seymour—01206 273579. - Lay Readers:
Richard Chadborn—01206 240541;
Michael Foster—01206 241022;
Joy Budden—01206 241871. - Parish Evangelist
Ron Seymour—01206 272579. - Pastoral Assistant:
Dorothy Chadborn—01206 240541. - 3 Parish Families’ Worker:
Jo Jeffery—07853 586683. - Church Administrator:
Church Office Hours—weekdays (not Weds) 9 am—1 pm
Liz Dixon—01206 243683, Until 30th September.
email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]. - Newsletter Editor:
Liz Dixon—01206 243683
email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]. - Hire our hall:
Nicole Long—01206 240443. - Website: - Follow us on Facebook: