Allotments December 2014 Update

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Allotments December 2014 Update

The West Bergholt Allotment Holders committee have recently announced Important Allotment Dates for 2015 which have now been published on their webpage and the village calendar.  Other important news updates, with more details in the latest minutes published on the webpage, are as follows:

Committee Vacancies

There are currently 2 vacancies on the committee, if any plotholders are interested in becoming more involved they should contact one of the current committee members who will be able to advise them on what is involved.

Available Plots

There are approximately half a dozen plots currently available; precedence will be given to those on the waiting list, but should you be interested in acquiring a plot for yourself (think of all those home grown veggies!), then please contact Terry Claydon on 01206 241256 or by email to [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].

Vehicle Restrictions

The committee has recently agreed that, in order to protect the pathways, there should be no vehicular access to the allotments between the months of November and March, this is because of typical weather conditions at these times.  Any access must be expressly approved by the Allotment Committee Chair, Terry Claydon.


Given recent trends in income & expenditure, the Allotment Holders Committee are recommending to the Parish Council that there should be no increase in rents for 2015.  This recommendation will be considered by the Parish Council Environment & Highways Sub-Committee.

Manure update

As previously advised (September news update), whilst some limited supplies were secured for 2014, there is, as yet, no ready source of supply for 2015 and plot holders may have to organise their own supply.  Should anybody be aware of a supply that would provide adequate quantities with minimal transport issues, please let a committee member know.

Happy Gardening for 2015

Last, but not least, seasons greetings for the upcoming New Year!

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