Women’s Institute – December Report

Vice – president Pat Moran welcomed everyone to the Christmas party.The committee was thanked for organising the food, raffle and entertainment. The new secretary is Marie-Louise Fuell. A delegate is required to attend the County Annual Meeting on March 6 at The Cliffs Pavilion, Westcliff, Southend-on-Sea. Speakers will be Baroness Scott, who will give an insight into the House of Lords, and Dickie Arbiter who joined the Buckingham Palace press Office. Members may attend price £7.50.

The party concluded with Colchester Caledonian Scottish Dancers giving a demonstration and members were then invited to join in.

The next meeting is Wednesday 2 January in the Orpen Memorial Hall at 7.15pm when subscriptions of £27 are due. New members most welcome.

This material has been developed for the West Bergholt Village Website at http://www.westbergholt.net
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