Open Meeting for Secondary School Pupils

West Bergholt Parish Council has been considering how best to meet the needs and aspirations of all village residents and in particular how it can engage with the younger age group. It is proposed to hold an informal open meeting with secondary school pupils to speak on any issues seen as important and then together discuss how they can be addressed.

As an outcome from the meeting the parish council hoped to establish a village Youth Panel which would meet regularly and liaise on a permanent basis with the Parish Council. The meeting is expected to last about an hour.

To help prepare for this meeting, Harry Stone, Parish Councillor, has spoken with a small group at Stanway School. Also before the open meeting each household in the village will receive a draft copy of the findings of the village survey carried out in 2006. Youngsters are encouraged to read this, and indeed respond if appropriate, as it will probably stimulate ideas for the village development and provide a basis for discussions at the meeting. The open meeting will be held in the John Lampon Hall ( at the rear of the Orpen Hall) on Friday 8th February at 7.00pm.

This material has been developed for the West Bergholt Village Website at
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