Trees for Years Initiative – Free Trees for Residents
Saturday 2nd February 2013
The 7th Trees for Years Initiative sponsored by OfficeIS will be held at Rowan House Council Offices Car Park off Sheepen Road between 10am -1pm.
Free trees will be given away to Borough Residents, Community Groups, Schools and Parish Council’s. Residents can collect up to 3 plants per household and up to 20 per community group, School and Parish Council.
The following species will be available:
- Raspberry canes
- Blackcurrant canes
- Gooseberry bush
- Blackberry root
- Acer campestre – Field Maple
- Prunus padus – Bird Cherry
- Betula pendula – Silver Birch
- Corylus avellana – Hazel cob nut
- Cornus alba ‘Siberica’ – Red Stem dogwood
- Cornus stolonifera ‘Flaviramea’ – Yellow stem Dogwood
2013 bare root trees/fruit bushes will be available on a first come first serve basis:
- Trees must be planted on private property and postcodes will be recorded to monitor the distribution.
- Cultivation guidance will be available so that trees can be selected, taking into account the ultimate size and form of mature trees.
- Remember to bring a large bag to put your trees in.
Please telephone 01206 282903 or visit and follow the links to see more information on the Trees for Years Initiative