New Church Road nr Heathlands |
In recent years village residents have become increasingly aware and concerned by the deteriorating safety aspects relating to the level of road traffic in West Bergholt, particularly in the environs of Heathlands Primary School. Parked vehicles in and around New Church Road, particularly in the area of the school in term time, at school opening and closing times and around the area of the Co-op store are known traffic hazards.
In order to improve this situation the Parish Council has approved a traffic safety plan to address these concerns. The plan has at its core the following statement:
“The Parish Council has a vision for the future travel environment in the village where walking and cycling become the preferred modes of travel, that traffic levels and parking do not dominate our village and that the safety of adult and child pedestrians remains paramount”
An enhancement in levels of safety, both perceived and actual, is the fundamental aim of this plan and its objectives are to:
- Improve all aspects of road safety for Heathlands School and nearby feeder roads.
- Manage traffic in a way that prevents congestion, delays and maximises safety.
- To improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Maintain access to important travel destinations.
It is felt that these aims and objectives can be achieved by restricting parking in the areas that present the greatest dangers while at the same time providing alternatives for parking, particularly those parents who find it necessary to use a car to transport their children to school. Means of slowing traffic are being considered while at the same time facilities are improved for pedestrians and cyclists.
These measures do depend on the support and agreement for funding of Essex County Council and Colchester Borough Council. Some progress has been made and it has already been agreed to construct a “build out” in New Church Road around the exit of the pathway from Mumford Close. This will provide extra safety for pedestrians and at the same time have the effect of slowing traffic. Better signage for traffic around the school is also being given high priority. Discussions are being held with the school to determine how the plan can assist in its efforts to ensure that pupils can travel safely to school.
A full copy of the plan can be obtained from the Parish Clerk or Harry Stone by Email at [email protected]