Road Closures & Fear of Crime

Fear of Crime

CBC's Fear of Crime Survey

Colchester Borough Council have launched a ‘Fear of Crime’ survey. They are keen to understand people’s feelings around public safety, and whether residents have either been a victim of, or fear becoming a victim of crime. Fear of Crime means different things to different people, this could include:

  • not feeling safe in the community,
  • fear of burglary, or
  • possible violent or physical harm.

The survey takes about 10 minutes of your time to complete and will help them learn about experiences in the area. The survey is open until 19th September.

Road Closures

There are two upcoming road closures:

  • Newbridge Hill – 11th September, and
  • New Church Road – 22nd September

More details below:

Road Closure – Newbridge Hill

Newbridge Hill Closure 11Sep22

This one-day closure on 11th September is to allow Cadent to install a new gas connection. Only a short section of the road will be closed and access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and pedestrians at all times.

An alternative route is available via Bures Road, Main Road, Packards Lane, Fordham Road, Wormingford Road, Plummers Road, Moat Road, Church Road, Mill Road, Fiddlers Hill, Porters Cottages, Wood Lane, Halstead Road, Halstead Road Roundabout and vice versa with access only into Lexden Road.

Road Closure – New Church Road

New Church Rod Closure 22-23Sep2022

This two-day closure starts on 22nd September and is to allow Essex County Council to undertake carriageway patching works. The closed section will be between Chapel Road and Church Close. Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and pedestrians at all times.

Other Local Closures

Check out other road closures on our website.

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