Premises & Recreation – 5th February 2018

Premises & Recreation – 5th February 2018

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 5th February when, among other items, they discussed online bookings, general maintenance issues, CCTV, hire charges, feedback from Hall User Group meeting, use of Lorkin Daniell field, storage, servery and premises licence.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee Meeting held on 5th February 2018 in JL Hall

Sub-committee members present:

Brian Butcher, Murray Harlow, Jenny Church,

Also in attendance:

Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk), Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)




Janet Crichton, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell


Minutes of the last meeting on 8th January 2018 were agreed.


Clerks and Administration’s Report

3.1 Flooring JL Hall Area – VBC produced a quote from STC Contracts Ltd; it was proposed to go ahead with the supply and installation of safety flooring to the lobby at the rear of the JL building for £295. VBC had obtained quotes to other areas of the Hall but any decision on these will be deferred for six months. AGREED
3.2 Hall border tidying – A quote had been received for the hard landscape of the borders.  LW reported that she had a meeting with the Colchester Parks Officer to obtain as much advice as possible.  LW confirmed that Bluebells and Scouts would be involved in creating a beehive hotel, bug hotel and decorating slabs.   Following discussion, it was agreed to defer the hall border tidying until such funds were raised through grants etc.  LW will complete the applications with BB to sign off to “Tesco’s Bags for Life”.  All the members agreed to this, but Murray Harlow abstained. LW/BB
3.3 Internal Hall – – The committee is awaiting BT to obtain quote for the picture framing but in the meantime the H&S notices are to be re-fixed and hooks purchased and painted to be placed on the JL Hall walls BT/VBC
3.4 Roofing – The re-roofing is deferred until Summer 2019.  LW to write and thank DCP for the survey and let them know the council’s decision to proceed in due course but in the meantime request a fee to project manage this, in competition with at least one other. LW
3.5 Handyman Schedule – VBC mentioned that the JL Hall door lock needed attention and was fixed.  VBC to ask handyman to put yellow paint on the edge of the JL Hall ramp as a trip hazard.  Also, to paint dado rail in the JL Hall to match existing paint. VBC
3.6 Website – still on course to have up to date website live in April 2018. VBC
3.7 Food Pitch – Matters are in hand with the Trustees – all applicants have been responded to from the Parish Clerk.
3.8 Servery – Quotes have been obtained totalling £2,420 – VBC will forward quotes to LW to put to the Trustees Meeting. Finance Committee /Trustees Meeting
3.9 CCTV – VBC to obtain another quote on the same specification as received.  LW to forward details of another provider as a prelude to instructing such to be installed in April. VBC
3.10 Rubbish Bin Area – MH produced a quote based on BT’s plans.  The quote received supports the cost that was asked but MH to go back and ask STC Contracts Ltd to requote omitting digging the base and laying the slabs, together with producing a totally new plan to lower the cost for the PC to consider.  VBC spoke with WBFC about disposing of their waste – they have two black bags a week whilst they dispose of the bottles elsewhere. They wanted to know what the PC would charge for disposing of and it was proposed to charge £10/month to use the Blue bin. MH
3.11 Hire Charges – New rates were agreed and will be presented at the next Finance Committee meeting.  The only comment was to change the wording so that the hirers are known as “Casuals” and “Regulars”.  VBC to arrange annual meeting with Orpen Players and Bluebells. VBC/Finance Committee


Premises License

LW reported all completed and filed with CBC now after two late minor amendments were made – they will now file it to the Police.  In the meantime, if alcohol is to be sold at the Hall, until further notice, Bernard Sanach of the West Bergholt Social Club remains the designated premises supervisor in respect of the sale of alcohol. LW


Hall User Group Meeting Feedback

An informative meeting was held on 25th January where BB welcomed everybody and gave a summary of updates to the hall e.g. CCTV, servery, website, storage, flower borders etc. The following was brought up by the members of the various groups:

  • Additional storage is required –  including space to make public the history of the village
  • Projector – angle to be altered – this will be done the next time the projector needs attention as a scaffold tower will be required to get to it.
  • Sound System – a resident has kindly investigated this and has reported back on various options. (The committee would like to take his offer up on meeting with him and borrowing CFMC radio microphone to show the difference).  The Loop System only operates when the microphone is in use.
  • Disabled Toilet signage will be put up.
  • Hot Water Tap/Kitchen Tap – it was explained for 30 + the urns and kettles will need to be used.  VBC will look at changing the filter too. Will also look at turning the hot water temperature down.
  • The new garage needs the ‘walkway’ concreted and ‘water guard’ to front – which is on the handymen’s schedule.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 19th July 6pm. VBC to produce notes from last meeting and circulate



Communication Officers Report

MH confirmed that the 2018 Village Bulletins will be published in colour


Draft Rules and Regulations for the Lorkin Daniell Field

  In hand with HS HS


Items to be discussed at next meeting

Meeting closed at 8.50 pm
Date of next meeting – 5th March 2018 – 7.30 pm John Lampon Hall


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