Planning & Development Committee – 19th February 2024

Meeting on 19th February 2024. the Planning & Development Committee discussed, and agreed actions in respect of, CCC’s ‘Call for Sites’ before considering planning applications.

Map of housing & planning - Planning Minutes 19th February 2024

The committee supported 3 applications (Nayland Road, Colchester Road & Bourne Road), objected to one (Colchester Road) and deferred another until the PC meeting (Hall Road). They also discussed possible enforcement action for another property in Colchester Road.

Read the official minutes below:

Planning and Development Committee Meeting

Meeting held on Monday 19th February 2024 at 7.00pm in the John Lampon Hall

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.

The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement, the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, Government National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and CBC Planning Policies when commenting on individual applications.

Planning Committee Members:

Cllrs Bob Tyrrell (Chair), Sara Cullis (Vice Chair), Andrew Savage, Brian Butcher, Paul Chamberlain

Also in attendance:

Laura Walkingshaw (Clerk) and 1 member of the public.

Agenda items:

1.   Welcome & Apologies for absence:

Apologies received from Julie Gillott (Asst Clerk).

2.   Declarations of interest:


3.   Minutes & actions from previous meeting

Previous minutes were agreed with no amendments, and no actions required.

4.   Public participation and to receive any pre-application representations.

One member of the public attended with an interest in the Pattens Yard planning application.  See item 6, planning application no 240143.

5.   To discuss Colchester City Council’s Call for Sites: for-sites/

Colchester City Council “Call for Sites” (for development) are sites put forward by landowners and others, then assessed as to their suitability for inclusion within the next Local Plan. At this stage these sites are merely an expression of interest, just because a site is put forward as a potential site for development, this does not automatically mean that it will go forward as an allocation in the Local Plan or will be in accordance with planning policy at a later stage. This is all part of the process that the area went through 8 years ago and is being readdressed as the Local Plan is evolving. There is not any anticipated increase in the established housing numbers until at least 2033 and with the NEEB development, which was not of the Neighbourhood Plan, West Bergholt parish has already taken 20% over and above the current Local Plan’s expected numbers.

ACTION – Clerk to draft something for the website saying as such for Cllr Cullis to review, using the slides from the recent CCC briefing.

ACTION: Sandra Scott (Place Strategy Manager) at Colchester County Council has offered to come meet with the Parish Council in West Bergholt. Julie (asst clerk) will accept this offer by 1st March, inviting Sandra to arrange to meet the West Bergholt Planning & Development Committee Meeting.

6. Planning applications:

240143 Patterns Yard, Oakview Landscape, Nayland Road, CO6 3DQ

Erection of 2 no. Class B8 storage units

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support the application with the following comments:

Although the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan supports employment in the area, there are concerns over increased traffic as a result of extra storage units, and the Council would welcome a Traffic Impact Statement addressing the concerns of the local homeowner’s objections. The Council would also seek clarification on the colour of the units, as one document specifies black, whilst another states olive green. Finally, the Council would ask the Planning Officer to consider if there were a need for additional hedge screening to the North and South boundaries of the site.

Decision: Support

240210 Ivy Cottage, 38 Colchester Road, West Bergholt CO6 3JG

Replace existing rear conservatory with a double storey rear and side extension.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to object to the application with the following comments:

Although the Parish Council has no objection to an extension in principle to this dwelling, in accordance with PP10 of the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, the design is of poor quality. In addition, the Proposed Block Plan provided is of 42 Colchester Road, and not 38 Colchester Road, and there is also no street view provided to help corroborate which property is definitely being referred to.

The Council would also comment that the side elevations are substantial and could do with articulation.

Decision: Object

240171 Daniells House, Colchester Road, West Bergholt CO6 3SF

External refurbishment (revised application following refusal of application 231401)

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support with no comment.

Decision: Support

240295 Westacres, Bourne Road, West Bergholt CO6 3EL

Proposed single storey rear & front extensions and front portico.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support with no comment.

Recommendation to PC: Support

240254 Barns at Hall Road, West Bergholt

Conversion of barns to form two dwellings including single storey extension and demolition of two existing barns.

Comment: to follow

Recommendation to PC: to follow.

ACTION – Due to technical issues the Planning Committee could not enter into detailed discussions on this late planning application, therefore the Clerk will circulate the details to the committee for their agreed recommendation to the PC meeting next Wednesday.

One other matter:

ACTION – Clerk to approach CCC Enforcement in relation to the use of the land behind 131 Colchester Road, as it is understood by the Committee that it is currently contravening its use as agricultural land.

7.   Planning Decisions:

232398108 Mumford Rd, CO6 3BN13/11/23SupportProposed garage conversion7/12/23Approved 
230365Land Adj To 67, Braiswick, CO4 5BQ22/3/23ObjectionApplication to vary condition 1713/11/23Withdrawn 
231375109 Colchester Road, CO6 3JX19/06/23ObjectionFirst Floor Timber Frame Rear Bedroom Extension & Internal Alterations5/1/24Approved 
231910The Chestnut Cottage, 131 Colchester Rd, CO6 3JX18/09/23SupportProposed new 2no. car cart lodge29/9/23RefusedAppeal Date 15/1/24
223071Adj to, 19 Bradbrook Cottages, Armoury Road, CO6 3JW23/12/22ObjectErection of a 3 storey 2 bedroom detached family home (Resubmission of222036)28/2/23RefusedAppeal Date 17/1/24
232785Coney Byes House, Coney Byes Lane, CO6 3DR  Single storey side extensions; one and two storey rear extensions and carport12/2/24Approved 
232766Old Rectory Lodge, Cooks Hall Road, , Essex, CO6 3EX18/12/23SupportReplacement rear extension and link to rebuilt outbuilding16/2/24Approved 

 8. Date of next meeting:

The next Planning Committee meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 18th March in the John Lampon Hall, Lexden Road, CO6 3BW.

The meeting closed at: 8.30pm

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