Openreach or Won’t Reach – That Is The Question

Openreach enquiry screenOpenreach or Won’t Reach?

There has been some excitement in the village as Openreach have been seen installing Fibre to the Cabinet technology.  Some readers might recall that, in an article published back in February, we announced that residents of the Maltings living in listed buildings would not be likely to benefit from Virgin or County Broadband.  These residents set up a crowdfunding appeal and the Openreach works you may see are in response to the success of that appeal.

So, what is happening?

Openreach is installing a new fibre-technology cabinet near the Maltings development.  As part of a BT initiative, they are also upgrading for fibre connectivity at schools who have slow access to the Internet; this is resulting in an upgrade to the cabinet in Lexden Road.

This means that if you live:

  • if you live in the Maltings Development you will almost certainly be able to benefit from the works in due course;
  • if you live near the Lexden Road cabinet, you might be able to get high-speed internet.

Openreach steps to fibreHow to find out

Visit the following link to find out if you are able to benefit:

When you enter your landline or postcode, you will be told either:

  • We are exploring solutions.  This means they will not be coming near you anytime soon; or
  • You are in scope or further steps. This will happen if you are definitely in the right area to benefit from the new works.

You can order services from BT, or other suppliers who piggy-back on the Openreach network, when ‘accepting orders’ is reached.

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