Goodbye BYG – End of an Era?
Could it be Goodbye BYG, sadly, given the lack of volunteers stepping up it could well be the case! The following update has been released by the Chair of the PC and the Headteacher at Heathlands:
The Parish Council and school have noted with concern that BYG is in danger of folding after the Christmas Disco at the end of this term. The new term has started well with over 50 young people at the last meeting with a good number of established volunteers and an addition of three new recruits. Some of these volunteers have indicated that they could continue to be available in the New Year.
The crucial factor in determining survival is the establishment of a new management group of 6 to 8 adults drawn from the volunteers and probably mainly parents. Involvement is not an onerous task if shared and at present meetings to regulate finances, membership issues, etc. and to plan a termly programme of events take place 3 or 4 times a year. A small number of the existing group could be involved for a short transition period between now and the end of the year so nobody needs to feel they are starting from scratch.
The AGM of BYG takes place in the John Lampon Hall on Thurs 12 Oct at 7.45pm and this will be the final meeting of the existing committee which will then oversee the winding up of BYG if a new group does not emerge. It is for this reason that a new committee needs to be formed from those who have valued BYG and are now willing to contribute. Please attend as a small commitment of a few parents will make a big difference for many of our children.
Chris Stevenson, Chairman of Parish Council
Jeremy Hallum, Headteacher