Gladman Appeal – The Result Is In
We have now received the results of the Gladman Appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. The Inspector considered all contributions including those from the Borough and Parish Council – and of course yourselves. The main issues the Inspector (John Woodcock) took into account were:
- The character & appearance of the area;
- Heritage assets; and
- The supply of housing.
He also took into account other issues such as:
- Local concerns about traffic,
- Potential for increased employment,
- Increased open-space provision,
The Inspector said:
The appeal is dismissed, and the grant of outline planning permission refused for the erection of up to 97 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point from Colchester Road.
In conclusion, he said:
The proposal would conflict with the development plan. The planning balance which applies here falls significantly and demonstrably against the proposal. There are no material considerations which indicate that the appeal should be
determined other than in accordance with the development plan. For the reasons given above and having regard to all other matters raised, I conclude that the appeal should be dismissed, and outline planning permission refused.
You can read his report, dated today so hot off the press, here.
That’s three unwelcome planning applications that have been dismissed although NEEB has gone to a judicial review; fingers crossed they fail in that as well.