The latest Village Bulletin is now on-line and available for download/reading on-line on the Village Bulletin page. News updates not previously reported here include:
Deanna Walker BEM
A West Bergholt woman has been recognised in the New Year’s Honours awards for her services to Higher Education. Deanna Walker has been awarded the BEM (British Empire Medal) for her work at the University of Essex where she is administrator in the Registry Department. She joined the university staff 25 years ago in the Admissions Department working in several administrative roles before reaching her present position as Senior Academic Officer. Her work has included mentoring junior colleagues which, she believes, also contributed to colleagues recommending her for the award.
Deanna is modest about her achievements. She says:
The award came out of the blue. When the letter came notifying me, I couldn’t understand why I was chosen as I just do an ordinary working job.
[More… in the Bulletin]
Concert Band’s Christmas Concert raises £1,500 for St Helena Hospice
The Concert Band’s 2013 Christmas Concert was a huge success, as one audience member commented:
the most enjoyable Christmas Concert I’ve been to in many, many years.
The report continues to tell how they have raised nearly £30,000 in recent years and about their plans for 2014.
[More… in the Bulletin]
Voluntary Group & Club Updates
Well, there were quite a few including:
- Friends of St Mary’s Old Church;
- Hillhouse Wood;
- Care Network;
- Friendship Club;
- Women’s Institute;
- History Group;
- Bergholt Heath YFC;
- Workers’ Educational Association;
- Gardeners;
- Indoor Bowls;
- First responders;
- Allotments;
- Badminton;
- Churches; and
- Orpen Players.
[More… in the Bulletin]
Last, but not least, the weather
As if we needed reminding, 2013 was pretty much the wettest we can recall – the following chart tells you just how wet West Bergholt was: