Last weekend teams assembled in the Orpen Memorial Hall to do battle, by quiz, for the ‘Village Cup’. This was the opening fundraising action to buy new play equipment that is also suitable for children with physical or intellectual impairments. The intent is to install this new ‘inclusive’ equipment on the Lorkin Daniell field once sufficient money is raised.
The Quiz
The quiz comprised ten rounds with one ‘long round’. After five rounds there was a comfort break when the raffle was also held. One team “The only chance is the raffle” clearly saw this as their primary objective.
The battle was fierce, with a maximum of 234 points up for grabs. At the end of the evening the top three were:
- 3rd ‘The Parish Council and others’ on 176,
- 2nd ‘Pentagon’, on 186 points, and
- 1st ‘History Group’ on 194 points!
To rub salt in the wounds of others though the History Group only had four members in their team!
A great time was had with all concentrating with a drink in one hand and nibbles in the other! (Webmaster note – who was writing down the answers?)

The quiz could not have taken place without the sterling efforts of quizmaster Mike, assisted by Anita and Pauline. Thank you!
Many thanks also go to local firms donating raffle prizes, including Fairfield Crisps and Stoke by Nayland Golf. Thanks also for the raffle prizes brought by ‘quizzers’.
And finally, a big thank you to all the quizzers for attending and raising £255 for this great cause.