Highlights of Environment & Highways Meeting on 10th November 2022
The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 10th November 2022 with topics including:
- 2023/24 Budget,
- Poor’s Land restoration following firework display,
- New sign on Heath,
- Christmas Tree, and
- Ponds refilling nicely.
Environment Committee Minutes
Meeting held on Thurs 10th November 2022 at 5.00pm in the SC Mtg Room
Members present: | Harry Stone (HS) – Chair, David Short (DS), James Owers (JO), Katie Pulford (KP) and Andrew Savage (AS – for Finance Committee) |
Others: | None |
Apologies: | John Gili-Ross (JGR), Manya Barrow (MB) |
1. Welcome
Harry Stone (Deputy chair) welcomed the group and introduced Andrew Savage (RFO – Responsible Finance Officer) see item 3 below.
2. Notes from previous meeting
Notes from the previous Environment Committee were noted and agreed.
3. Budget for 2023/24
Andrew Savage introduced the proposed Environment Committee budget. Some changes to the proposed budget were proposed to include village ponds—increase from £500 to £750, play equipment—increase from £150 to £300.
4. Handymen update
It was noted that work was generally up to date, and it was proposed that a list of the handymen’s regular duties be prepared and circulated to the committee for information purposes. HS reported on the salt bag scheme which is full in hand for the coming winter period.
5. Poor’s Land
JO reported that the field had been fully reinstated following the firework display. Some repairs to the gatepost are required and the handymen are aware of this. Vehicular damage to the ground around the entrance to the field has rectified itself. The hedge cutting around the field and elsewhere in the village was completed satisfactorily and it was proposed to employ the same contractor next year (subject to availability). It was noted that the hedge adjacent to the Treble Tile may have been cut too low and this requires inspection to verify or not.
6. New sign on Heath
A new sign was printed for insertion into the sign when the sign has been repaired. It may be that the sign framework is more badly damaged than was first thought and this is in hand for the handymen to evaluate and further expense in this regard is anticipated.
7. Christmas Tree
JO has this in hand and several sources and relevant quotes are under consideration. It was agreed to go to an upper limit of £250 in respect of the purchase price. Debra Hornigold has agreed to decorate the tree and JO is investigating an electricity connection for lighting purposes. It was noted that the Queen’s Head is considering erecting a tree adjacent to the pond.
8. Ponds
A quote for £800 has been received for clearance of reed mace and removal of the spoil from the Queen’s Head Pond and it was agreed to approach the Finance Advisory Committee for a recommendation to approve for this project. Generally, it was noted that all ponds are now re-filling following the recent rainfalls.
9. Date of next meeting
The next Environment Committee meeting time is to be advised.