West Bergholt (Not) Open Gardens 2020

Marcus' DonkeysWest Bergholt (Not) Open Gardens 2020

This is a more complete update of an earlier Open Gardens post with new material from the allotments; thanks to Peter Noakes for putting these collages together.

The West Bergholt Open Gardens has been a biennial event since 2014 and has raised thousands of pounds for local charities. This year it didn’t happen for obvious reasons, but the plan is it will return next year. We would like to share a few photos of the gardens & allotments that were due to be open on 28th June.  Hopefully you will find them uplifting and will encourage you to join in next year.  Gardens and donkeys are further down so keep scrolling!


We would like to thank Steve for providing the pictures of the West Bergholt allotments which looked good as a result of the hard work and watering by the allotment holders during lockdown.  They are sorry that the charity stall has not been able to open this year.

Open Gardens Allotments Collage 5

Open Gardens Allotments Collage 6

Open Gardens Allotments Collage 7


Reprising the images from the gardens seen earlier:

Open Gardens Collage 1

Open Gardens Collage 2

Open Gardens Collage 3

We know Marcus’ Donkeys have been a particular favourite with the children and their parents who walked around the village during lockdown, so we are pleased to finish with this picture of Godfrey and Humphrey.

Marcus' Donkeys

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