Play areas

Open Space Play Areas

The village has a number of Open Space play areas, you can book some for sporting or recreational events.

  • The Lorkin Daniell Field provides a large expanse of grassed area adjacent to the Orpen Hall.  You can book the field via Victoria Beckwith-Cole on 07434 949631. The West Bergholt Football Club use this field during the football season. (Click images to enlarge them).

  • Poors Land٭ located between Heathlands Junior School and the Colchester Road, is also bookable through Victoria Beckwith-Cole on 07434 949631.
  • The all-weather games area (MUGA) is on the Lorkin Daniell field featuring 2 tennis courts. Additionally, it is suitable for netball and five-a-side football. You can find more details on how to access the games area on the MUGA page.
  • Pirie Road/Erle Havard playpark (owned & maintained by Colchester CC)
  • Maltings Pocket Park (also owned and maintained by Colchester CC).

٭ An Act of 1793 was passed for the “Relief and Employment of the Poor”. Following that, this area was made available ‘to let to any poor and industrious inhabitant.’ Ten Rods, was laid down as the limit that a man could cultivate without detriment to his daily work.  The Poor’s Land is now a charity whose object is, ‘in the interests of social welfare, to improve the conditions of life for the inhabitants of the area of benefit without distinction of political, religious or other opinions by the provision and maintenance of a recreation ground.’

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