Day 60 of (is it?) Lockdown – the Elementary edition

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock HolmesDay 60 of (is it?) Lockdown

Day 60 happens to fall on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s birthday.  So we turn to Sherlock Holmes’ for some light relief at the end.  First some Lockdown updates from the Environment Agency and Essex Council, then we have Parish Council updates and finally Sherlock – elementary.

Anyone for boating?

The latest Environment Agency update reports on progress made in preparing their waterways (including the Thames & Anglian waterways) for leisure activities: Continue reading “Day 60 of (is it?) Lockdown – the Elementary edition”

Friends of Hillhouse Wood AGM – 14th December

Entrance to Hillhouse Wood AGMFriends of Hillhouse Wood AGM

This will be the 22nd Friends of Hillhouse Wood AGM and all are very welcome to attend.  Don’t hesitate to turn up; you don’t have to be a member to attend, you’ll just miss the pleasure of voting!

Taking place on Wednesday 14th December in the Orpen Hall, the meeting will start at 7:30 although refreshments will be served from 7pm.  The Agenda is:

Chairman’s opening remarks. Continue reading “Friends of Hillhouse Wood AGM – 14th December”

BYG AGM 2015

BYG AGM 12th November 2015BYG AGM 2015

The Bergholt Youth Group AGM takes place next Thursday, 12th November, at the Church Hall in New Church Road.  The meeting starts at 7:30pm and all members and parents are invited to attend.


  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Minutes of last AGM 20th November 2014.
  3. Matters arising.
  4. Election of Officers for forthcoming year.
  • Club Leader.
  • Chairman.
  • Secretary.
  • Treasurer.
  • Membership Secretary.
  • Child Welfare Officer.
  1. Confirmation of Management Committee.
  2. Confirmation of Youth Committee.
  3. Treasurer’s Report.
  4. Membership Secretary’s Report.
  5. Review of Club events November 2014 to October 2015.
  6. Chairman’s and Secretary’s notes.
  7. Future Events.
  8. A.O.B.
  9. Date, time and place of next management committee meeting.

Parish Council Meeting

The Agenda for the next Parish Council meeting has just been published, will they be discussing anything of importance to you?  Don’t forget members of the public are welcome to attend and, if registered electors, are able to make use of the first 15 minutes which is allotted for questions to be raised with the council.

The meeting starts at 7:30pm on Wednesday 27th February in the John Lampon Hall.

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